Fish & Cheesy Wedges

 Found a bag of huge fillet (from a giant fish that I bought long time ago) in the freezer while searching for an idea for dinner. I just wanted to clear the whole lot of it and what better way than making fish & chips. Since I have a can of cheddar cheese dip, I thought replacing potato chips with cheesy wedges will please the kids better & I was right.... They were all thrilled whenever I cooked western menu but me & my hubby always prefer rice & dishes... anyway tonite we gave in to the kids.
Cheesy Wedges and Creamy Coleslaw
Parmesan Fish
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Adapted from: Parmesan Prawn by Nur
Serve: 5 persons
5 Fish Fillet
1 Calamansi Juice
2 Eggs
2 tbsp Plain Flour
1 tbsp Corn Flour
Bread Crumbs*
4-5 tbsp Parmesan Cheese Powder* (*mix) 
Salt & Pepper

1. Rub fish fillet with salt & calamansi juice.
Keep aside while preparing the batter and potato wedges.
2. Beat eggs slightly & mix well with plain flour, cornflour, salt & pepper.
3. Dip fish fillet in batter & roll on breadcrumb mixture.
4. Shallow fry in a flat pan until golden one side & flip.
Lift out on kitchen paper once both sides are crispy & golden.
5. Serve along cheesy potato wedges & coleslaw.

Cheesy Potato Wedges
By: Roz@HomeKreation
- Peel potatoes & cut into wedges.
- Boil until slightly soft.
- Dip boiled potatoes in batter & deep fry until golden & crispy on the outer.
(I made just a simple batter using plain flour, turmeric powder, salt, pepper & water adequately).
- Drizzle with cheddar cheese dip.

Creamy Coleslaw
By: Roz@HomeKreation 
- Mix shredded cabbage with raisins, mayonnaise, lemon/lime juice & pepper.


Sekali-sekala meh kita makan fish & potato, tukor selera omputih lak....hehe.

Parmesan Fish
Adapted from: Parmesan Prawn by Nur
Hidangan utk 5 org
5 keping Isi Ikan
1 biji Limau Kasturi - ambil jus
2 bj Telur
2 sb Tepung Gandum
1 sb Tepung Jagung
Serbuk Roti*
4-5 sb Serbuk Parmesan Cheese* (*campur) 
Garam & Serbuk Lada Hitam

1. Lumur ikan dgn garam & jus limau.
Ketepikan sementara menyediakan tepung goreng & kentang wedges.
2. Pukul telur sedikit & gaul sebati dgn tepung, garam & lada.
3. Celup ikan ke dlm bancuhan tepung & golekkan ke atas serbuk roti.
4. Goreng di dalm kuali leper sehingga garing & balikkan sehingga kedua2 belah garing & masak sepenuhnya.
5. Hidangkan dgn kentang wedges bekeju & salad kobis.

Kentang Wedges Berkeju
By: Roz@HomeKreation 
- Kopek kentang & potong wedges.
- Rebus sehingga empuk sedikit.
- Celup ke dlm tepung goreng & goreng sehingga rangup.
(Along buat tepung goreng yg simple jer: tepung gdm, serbuk kunyit, garam, lada & air secukup nya).
- Sudukan cheddar cheese dip ke atas kentang wedges semasa menghidang.

Creamy Coleslaw
By: Roz@HomeKreation 
- Gaulkan kobis yg di racik halus dgn kismis, mayonnaise, jus limau & serbuk lada.

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