Are you too busy doing to bother with where you are going?

by Steven M. Worth

Some of us are more guilty of this than others.  It is not that those who concentrate on the day-to-day are shallow or shortsighted necessarily--the case can certainly be made that if you “stick to your knitting” doing what you do well, that things tend to work out in the end.  But it is also true that those who know where they are going tend to get there more often than not; and in the course of getting there, they tend to have a shaping influence on the world around them.

In the extreme, this natural dichotomy is also true of association managers who tend to fall into one of two camps.  One is made up of those who focus solely on operational perfection; while the other consists of those who focus solely on a strategic vision.  Both extremes can be frustrating to deal with—with the “doers” rarely questioning the relevance or effectiveness of what they are doing; while the “visionaries” more often than not are surrounded by a great deal of waste and drama.  Ugh…what a choice!

Walter Isaacson’s recent biography of Steve Jobs is a study of a manager who exemplified the second management style.  Politically, Jobs was very much attuned to President Obama; but how did Jobs evaluate the President as a manager?  “Here’s the problem with Obama’s leadership:  He doesn’t like to really piss people off,” Jobs said. “I guess that wasn’t a problem I ever had.”

One cannot read Isaacson’s biography of Jobs without feeling a certain ambivalence about the man.  It is hard to come away from it feeling like Jobs would be a friend or good person to work for.  But it is also hard to deny his shaping influence on how we have incorporated technology into our daily lives.

As in most extremes, the best place for most managers to be is somewhere in the middle.  We need to be constantly questioning the relevance of what we are doing, and to do that we do need to know what it is we are trying to achieve long term.  Member/customer satisfaction is not enough, because members/customers can and do change their minds in a flash if they see something more relevant to their needs somewhere else.  But for the “visionaries” among us, we need also to recognize that efficiencies do matter—no one wants to be part of an organization that does not value its stakeholders’ time, talent or financial resources. 

Efficiency and effectiveness are what senior management is all about, and periodically it is useful to look at the two extremes to make sure we are where we should be.

Chocolate Molten Cake

Another project to clear boxes of chocolate that have melted.... This is awesome....
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: here (Thanks to Alia)
Modified slightly & retyped to simplify
5 oz Dark Chocolate (HomeKreation: I used 6 oz Truffles Creme - see photo below - quite pale & milky color)
3 large Eggs
1 cup Sugar
(HomeKreation: I used only 3/4 cup but still very sweet bcoz the truffles are already sweeten)
1/4 cup Flour
5 tbsp Butter
1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence

1. Melt chocolate and butter. Cool slightly.

2. Beat eggs and sugar until pale & thick.
Add chocolate mixture & mix well.
Incorporate flour and stir well.

3. Coat the ramequins with butter and fill them with the chocolate batter.

4. Bake for 12 minutes in a preheated oven 200C.

5. Let the cake cool for few minutes & serve warm.
Serve the cake in the ramequins or flip them on a plate.

Ini projek nak menghabiskan coklat yg sudah mencair..... Kek ni ada sos coklat kat dalam nya.... memang sedap ! Sangat mudah di sediakan & sesuai utk tetamu istimewa.

Source: here
Terjemahan BM oleh HomeKreation
Resipi telah di ubahsuai
5 oz Coklat Gelap (HomeKreation: Along guna 6 oz Truffles Creme spt dlm gambar di bawah, warna nya agak keputihan)
3 bj Telur Grade A
1 cwn Gula
(HomeKreation: Along guna 3/4 cwn tp masih manis sbb coklat Along tu mmg dah manis)
1/4 cwn Tepung
5 sb Butter
1/2 tsp Vanilla Essence

1. Cairkan coklat & butter. Sejukkan sedikit.
2. Pukul telur & gula sehingga kembang & pekat.
Masukkan coklat tadi & gaul sebati.
Masukkan tepung & gaul sebati.
3. Tuangkan ke dlm bekas kecil yg telah di sapu butter.
4. Bakar 12 minit dlm oven yg telah di panaskan pd suhu 200C.
5. Sejukkan sedikit & hidangkan suam.
Boleh di hidangkan dlm bekas yg di bakar tadi atau pun di terbalikkan.

Latter Day Prophets

Today I am having a quiz on the Latter Day Prophets.  Maybe some of you will do well with this quiz, since you might already know the answers.

Here is the question:  Of all the Latter Day Prophets that have passed away, all but three of them are buried in Salt Lake City.  Can you name them?  (Scroll to the bottom for answers.)

Answers: Joseph Smith Jr., Ezra Taft Benson and Lorenzo Snow.  Now, do you know where they are interred?

Joseph Smith in Nauvoo, Illinois (see a photo of the headstone here)

Ezra Taft Benson in Whitney, Idaho

Lorenzo Snow in Brigham City, Utah 

I took these photos at the Brigham City Cemetery in September
Someone kindly left a flower

This is a headstone near Lorenzo Snow's  I thought it was very quaint and touching.

This is a brief summary of the life of Lorenzo Snow.

ICPSR's real-world experiences for students featured in webinar

The webinar, conducted Nov. 29, focused on opportunities ICPSR provides to get students involved in social science research. The video is available here (wmv file, 64 MB).  The slides are divided into two sections. Information on ICPSR's Research Paper Competitions (PowerPoint, 584kB) was presented by Sue Hodge, and Abayomi Israel spoke about ICPSR's summer internship program (PowerPoint, 10.6 MB).  Entry deadline for the Research Paper Competitions is January 31, 2012 and the application deadline for the Summer Internship Program is February 13, 2012.

Curry Puffs IV (Karipap Rangup)

 Had a piece of hot curry puff fresh from a wok and with a cup of coffee in the evening.... sitting quietly in the side patio with soft breeze and overlooking my newly arranged flower pots... what a relaxing mind... I wanted to forget everything else but just the curry puffs... hehehe!

This time I tried another version of curry puff pastry. It is almost similar to the one I posted earlier here except this one uses hot oil instead of margarine. Truely crispy but make sure you fry long enough so that it cooked till the inside layers.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: MyStyleMyWay (Original by: here)
Translated into English by HomeKreation
Recipe below is half portion of the original recipe
Makes 36 pieces
500g Plain Flour
50g Rice Flour
50g Tapioca Flour
1 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
2½ tbsp Margarine*
¼ cup Oil* (* heat-up) 

1. Mix all the dry ingredients together.
Add in hot oil mixture well.
Pour in water gradually, just enough to form required dough.

2. Divide dough into small balls.
Flatten it & fill with preferred filling (I made sweet potato and beef filling).
Repeat with all.

3. Deep fry until crispy.
(I fried half cooked and freeze for later consumption).

Along memang hantu karipap.... kalau boleh hari2 makan karipap pun takpa. Memang selalu buat karipap pastu bekukan, boleh goreng bila2 masa sahaja. Selalu nya Along guna resepi kat sini, so bila buat malas nak ulang tayang terutama bila low mood. Kali ni Along cuba resepi lain pula, hampir2 serupa juga dgn resepi pertama tu (letak tepung ubi & tepung beras) cuma kali ni guna minyak panas. Memang ranguuuuuup....! Cuma pesanan Along, goreng karipap kena lama2 baru lah rangup sehingga ke lapisan dalam.

Terima-kasih pada source & tuan empunya, Along link kat bawah ni... belum kenal & tak tau nama mereka pun....

Source: MyStyleMyWay (Original by: here)
Resepi di bawah ni, Along dah separuhkan drpd resepi asal & di taip semula ikut cara2 yg Along buat.
Bilangan 36 ketul
500g Tepung
50g Tepung Beras
50g Tepung Ubi
1 sb Gula
1 st Garam
2½ sb Majerin*
¼ cwn Minyak* (* panaskan) 

1. Campurkan kesemua bhn2 kering.
Tuangkan minyak panas & gaul rata.
Tuangkan air sedikit2 sehingga membentuk doh lembut.

2. Bahagi dok kpd bebola kecil.
Leperkan & isi dgn inti kesukaan (Along guna inti keledek+daging).
Buat sehingga habis.

3.Goreng dgn minyak dalam sehingga garing.
(Along goreng separuh masak & bekukan utk hidangan kemudian).

Leadership: Training or Development?

by Virgil R. Carter

As a CEO, do you have a group of senior leaders in your organization that you’d like to help grow into your organization’s next generation of executive?  What about supporting your senior staff to become mature executive?  If so, what do you do?  Well, of course, you put them through some training, right?  Wrong!

In a recent article, “Training vs. Development, by Mike Myatt, Chief Strategy Officer, N2growth, you don’t train leaders you develop them.  According to Myatt, “Leadership training is alive and well, but it should have died long, long ago…”

Myatt says that the problem with training is it presumes the need for indoctrination on systems, processes and techniques.  Moreover, training assumes that these systems, processes and techniques are the right way to do things.  The dilemma, describes Myatt, is that training is “often a rote, one directional, one dimensional, one size fits all, authoritarian process”, imposing static, outdated information on people”.

The solution to the leadership problem, he says, is to scrap it in favor of development.  “Don’t train leaders, coach them, mentor them…and develop them, but please don’t attempt to train them”.  Development strives to focus on the unique and differentiate by shattering the status quo.  Myatt has a list pointing out some of the differences between training and development, including:

·          Training focuses on the present—Development focuses on the future
·          Training focuses on technique—Development focuses on talent
·          Training focuses on maintenance—Development focuses on growth
·          Training focuses on the role—Development focuses on the person
·          Training focuses on efficiency—Development focuses on effectiveness

Myatt concludes saying, “If what you desire is a robotic, static thinker—train them.  If you’re seeking innovative, critical thinkers—develop them”. 

For a copy of the full article, go here:

Chicken & Tomato Bruschetta

Made this for breakfast today.... it is also suitable as starters or snacks during party.....

Recipe By: Roz@HomeKreation
Serves 4-5 persons
1 loaf French Bread - sliced 
Garlic Butter
2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 cloves Garlic - cincang 
1 Big Onion*
1/2 Chicken Breast*
2 Tomatoes* (* chopped) 
Salt & Pepper
Parmesan Cheese

1. Heat up EVOO and stir fry garlic until fragrant.
Add in chopped ingredients*, parsley, salt & pepper.
Stir for few minutes until done.

2. Toast one side of the bread slices.
Spread garlic butter on the other side.
Place a spoon of the cooked ingredients.
Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
Grill until cheese is melted / browned.

3. For breakfast, serve along poached egg and fried potatoes.

Roti perancis dengan topping Ayam, tomato & parmesan cheese.... sesuai untuk sarapan pagi, pembuka selera sebelum hidangan utama ataupun sebagai snek sewaktu party.

Hidangan 4-5 orang
1 batanag Roti Perancis - di hiris
Garlic Butter
2 sb Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 ulas Bwg Putih - cincang
1 bj Bwg Besar*
1/2 Dada Ayam*
2 bj Tomato* (* cincang) 
Garam & Lada Hitam
Parmesan Cheese

1. Panaskan EVOO dan tumis bwg putih sehingga garing.
Masukkan bhn2 yg di cincang*, parsley, garam & lada.
Kacau sebentar sehingga ayam masak.

2. Panggan kepingan roti hanya sebelah sahaja.
Sapu garlic butter di sebelah lagi.
Letakkan sesudu bhn yg di masak tadi.
Taburkan parmesan cheese.
Panggang sehingga cheese cair / garing.

3. Untuk sarapan boleh lah di hidangkan di samping telur mata kerbau, kentang goreng dll.

Mount Timpanogos Temple

In winter, when the days are short, it gets harder to take photos while the sun is out.  That's the reason for these night photos of the Mount Timpanogos Temple.  I stopped by and snapped these after I had plenty of turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream with my family  and extended family in Lehi.

The symbols of "light on a hill" and a "beacon to the world" certainly apply to the temples, especially at night.

Christmas on Temple Square in Salt Lake City

As Christmas time approaches, we like to visit Temple Square in Salt Lake to see the Nativities and the beautiful lights and the wonderful spirit of all the other worshipers, remembering the birth of our Savoir Jesus Christ 2000 years ago.  He lives and his atonement, resurrection, teachings and church transcend all those many years. May you and your families find joy in Him this Christmas season!


The Nativity at the Tabernacle

Week 70

I hope everyone had as great of a Thanksgiving as I did with my family.  It was really wonderful!  Some beautiful fall weather returned on Saturday and Sunday.  It was chilly, but the sun was shining and the sky was blue - that's my definition of a great day.

The construction is progressing rapidly.  The landscaping, stone work and the parking show great strides each week.
More retaining walls on the Southwest corner
Lots of stone and pavers still to be placed
Workers added to the fence around the temple
The is the frame for the East window.  I can't wait to see the stained glass.
Blue sky and white, gleaming temple

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