Home-Made Black Pepper Sauce

Hi everyone! Sharing herewith the Black Pepper Sauce that I made last week for hubby's birthday. Very creamy and certainly make you enjoy the chicken much more. I served the sauce with Rosemary BBQ Chicken.

Beef & Barley Stew

This delicious Beef & Barley Soup can be prepared with no sweat using slow cooker - just dump everything in it, no frequent check necessary and ready by the set time! That's what I did for hubby's BBQ last week when energy level is low (sorry if anyone been waiting this long for the recipe).

Mashed Potato with Brown Sauce

 This was menu before Ramadhan that I made for dinner menu. The Mashed Potato was served along Rosemary Roasted Chicken and Tomato Bruschetta and made specially for Liana and the brothers.

2 medium Potato
1 tbsp Butter
Fresh Milk
Salt & Pepper

1. Peel & then prick the potatoes with fork.
Wrap with safe plastic cling & microwave High for 5 minutes.
Let it cool slightly before unwrapping.
2. Mashed potatoes using hand masher, adding butter, salt, pepper and milk 1 tbsp at a time until it is smooth and reach the required consistency.
TIPS: Do not process using machine or else the potato will be starchy.
3. Serve with brown sauce. 

3 tbsp Butter
3 tbsp Flour
1 Chicken Cube
2 cups Water (add more if necessary) 
1/4 tsp Browning
Salt & Pepper

Melt butter & add flour, stir quickly & cook few minutes until golden.
Add water gradually until smooth.
Add in chicken cube, salt, pepper and let it boil until thicken.
If too thick, add more water & let it boil again.

Ini bukan menu bulan puasa.... lambat tayang sbb kesibukan harian. Alhamdulillah, sudah 2 hari kita berpuasa.... menu puasa yg dua hari tu biasa2 jer & tak sempat nak tayang sebab kesibukan yg teramat, semua nak makan cepat tak sempat nak snap2. ok lah, meh tengok menu fevret anak2 ni....

2 bj Ubi Kentang saiz sederhana
1 sb Mentega
Susu Segar
Garam & Lada Sulah

1. Kupas kentang & cucuk2an dgn garfu.
Bungkus dgn plastik cling yg selamat-guna utk microwave.
Microwave kuasa tinggi selama 5 minit.
Sejukkan sebentar sebelum di buka bungkusan supaya tidak terkena wap panas.
2. Lecek kentang dgn pelecek tangan.
Campurkan mentega, garam, lada sulah sambil di lecek.
Campurkan susu beransur2 sesudu setiap campuran sehingga kentang lecek menjadi licin & mendapat kepekatan yg di kehendakki.
PETUA: Jangan lecek dgn mesin sebab kentang akan menjadi berlendir.
3. Hidangkan dgn brown sauce. 

3 sb Butter
3 sb Tepung Gandum
1 ketul Kiub Ayam
2 cwn Air (tambah jika perlu) 
1/4 st Browning (kalau xda, gantikan dgn kicap pekat) 
Garam & Lada Sulah

Cairkan butter & masukkan tepung. 
Kacau cdgn cepat supaya tidak bergentel & masak sehingga keperangan.
Masukkan air sedikit2 sambil di kacau.
Masukkan kiub ayam, garam & lada dan masak sehingga pekat.
Tambahkan lagi air jika terlalu pekat & didihkan.

Grilled Brinjal-Tomato Bruschetta

 One long French Loaf usually isn't enough for four of us if I make this for breakfast.... My two boys just love it very much. The brinjal and tomato are flavored with garlic, olive oil and balsamic sauce and then sprinkled with chopped fresh basil leaves.... very tasty and nice aroma. Apart from serving for breakfast, this certainly will be a big hit if served as starters during a party.

1 French Loaf* - sliced oval shape
Brinjal - sliced oval shape 
Tomato - sliced 
2 cloves Garlic* - pounded 
2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar*
4 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil*
Chopped Chili Padi*
Salt* (* mixed) 
Cheese Slices
Tomato Sauce
Chopped Fresh Basil Leaves

1.  Toast French loaf slices in an oven on one side until crispy.
Spread tomato sauce on the other side and top with cheese slice.

2. Dip brinjal or tomato into balsamic sauce* and toast until slightly browned on top.
Arrange on top of cheese slice on toast.
Sprinkle with chopped basil leaves.
Grill until golden brown.
Serve right away.

Hirisan roti Perancis di panggang dengan topping begini memang kesukaan anak2 teruna Along kat rumah ni. Topping terung dan tomato ni Along perisakan dengan sos balsamic, memang sedap sangat jadi nya. Boleh di hidangkan sebagai sarapan atau pun pembuka selera di waktu parti.
1 batang panjang Roti Perancis * - hiris bujur nipis
Terung - hiris bujur nipis
Tomato - hiris nipis
2 ulas Bwg Putih* - tumbuk
2 sb Balsamic Vinegar*
4 sb Extra Virgin Olive Oil*
Cili Padi* - potong kecil 
Garam* (* campur) 
Cheese Slices
Sos Tomato
Daun Selasih segar - cincang halus

1.  Panggang hirisan roti Perancis sehingga garing, hanya pada satu belah permukaan sahaja.
Terbalikkan & sapu sos tomato dan letakkan sekeping kecil cheese slice.

2. Celup terung atau tomato ke dalam sos balsamic* & panggang sehingga keperangan.
Aturkan terung atau tomato ke atas kepingan cheese atas roti tadi.
Taburkan hirisan daun selasih.
Panggang sehingga keperangan.
Hidangkan segera.

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