Sidney, Nebraska

On my recent road trip, I had an opportunity to attend church in Sidney, Nebraska, a small town in the western half of the state and home to a Cabellas store (you guys would know that).

My dad and I were talking to a member of the ward, who happened to also be in the stake presidency.  He told us some geographical facts about the ward and stake:  the ward boundaries cover 5,000 square miles! (not a typo - 5,000 square miles - 50 miles by 100 miles); the stake center is in Cheyenne, nearly 120 miles away; some ward members are 200 miles apart!  and the ward is in the Denver, Colorado temple district, 169 miles away.

We told him that in Brigham City, the ward areas are more like 5 to 10 square blocks.  I suppose they have to make some accommodations for the auxiliary meetings, like mutual, etc.  I also wonder it they greet each other with just a little more enthusiasm than we sometimes might?

And in Brigham City, there is a temple within walking distance!  Where much is given, much is expected. 

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