Good Weather for the Global Economy?

The Economist has released an interactive barometer that reports the perceived forecast for the global economy (as rated by more than 1,500 senior executives).  By clicking on dates on the line graph, the barometer will change to correspond to the global business outlook at the time.  By clicking on the regions to the right of the line graph, new bars will appear to represent the chosen region.  In addition, the interactive feature allows the user to select the confidence by selected industry.  The third tab entitled "In Focus" focuses on two questions:  "Is the euro crisis over?" and "How would you describe current regulation of the banks?"

The Economist has gleaned from this information that since the last quarter of the 2012 approval ratings concerning the global economy have risen from -11% to 7% in the first quarter of 2013.  This optimism carries over into the transport and tourism sectors of industry, but turns negative in the IT, technology and government sectors.  Finally, an overwhelming majority of respondents do not believe the euro crisis is over and around half respond that the current bank regulations have not gone far enough.

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