Cigarette Use Declining in the U.S.

In the United States, smokers are lighting up less than ever.  Gallup reports that since the 1970s, cigarette smokers that smoke more than a pack a day have steadily decreased, reaching their lowest point yet measured.  This all-time low coincides with this year's tie with 2009 for lowest cigarette usage among American adults; Gallup reports that one in five  lit up in the past week.  To anti-smoking advocates looking forward, these surveys represent success with struggles on the horizon; the study underscores the fact that most smokers know the negative effects of tobacco use, decreasing the usefulness of media campaigns that highlight the negative effects of smoking.  This in turn makes recommendations concerning tobacco control programs being brought to CDC-recommended levels require further analysis.  The question remains as to whether spending more money to bring states into compliance would bring a significant impact on tobacco usage or not.

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