Years Lost to the Financial Crisis

In the daily chart for February 23rd, The Economist analyzed various economic indicators to determine how many years were lost to the financial crisis of 2008.  The data covers economic output, wealth, and labor markets.  With these figures, The Economist calculates, in economic terms, what year each country is in.  For instance, the United States’ GDP per person was higher in 2005 than it is today, its main stock market index is lower today than in 1999, and based on all the indicators, the nation has traveled back in time roughly ten years.  The worst performing country of all those considered was Greece; based on the indicators, the country would just be reaching the new millennium.  Of course, as lawmakers in Greece fight to alleviate the effects of the debt crisis, reaching the millennium in economic terms may still be quite a struggle.  Germany has weathered the storm best of all the countries evaluated; the financial crisis has set the country back to approximately 2009. 

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