The NDAA: Whodunnit and What We Can Do

December is to politics as October is to stock market crashes.  It's a great time for Congress to pass the junk that nobody wants because we're all in the spirit of the winter season preparing for family events, winter vacations, and spiritual renewals.  Its the time of year that Congress sneaks in debt-ceiling raises and little things like Obamacare.

Last month, Congress passed a 565-page military spending bill, HR 1540 (full text) or the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  The most grievous portion of the bill is located in Title X, Subtitle D, Sections 1021-2, pages 265-7.  The bill, signed into law by President Obama allows permanent detention without trial of US Citizens by the military and is quite likely far worse on the violation of our rights and Constitution than even Obamacare.

The Senate held a couple of votes with final passage being 86-13 (roll call vote) with Utah's liberal Senator Hatch voting aye and conservative Senator Lee nay.  I must say that if anyone believes Senator Hatch has become more conservative over the past two years as he gears up for reelection, the severity of this Constitutional violation has to knock the wind out of any argument in that respect.

Utah's house vote was equally telling:  Bishop sided with Democrat Jim Matheson while Chaffetz voted against.  In all the House vote was much closer, 283-136 (roll call vote).  The NDAA is a clear violation of the 5th and 6th Amendments (and others) and MUST be repealed!

Video blogger ABillyRock puts the NDAA in perspective in promoting a Feb 3rd national event (Facebook) to bring attention to the repeal cause:

Also this week, Congressman Ron Paul introduced a 1-page bill, HR 3785 to repeal this most offensive section.  It should be on the forefront of anyone who defends the Constitution as well as a litmus test for choosing federal representatives in primary, general, and Presidential elections.  Here is the video from Rep. Paul who took the time out from campaigning in South Carolina to help preserve our liberties:

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