Americans Report Hearing Mostly Bad News About the Economy

According to a survey taken June 2-5 of this year, more Americans are hearing bad news about the economy than any other time in the past 2 years. 50% report hearing a mix of good news and bad news, and 46% report hearing mostly bad news about the economy. When asked which news topics they followed most closely, 20% said they mostly listened to news about the economy, and 12% said they followed the war in Afghanistan. That week in the news, 13% of the coverage was about the economy.

When this survey information was broken into categories based on gender, age, income level, and political affiliation, some patterns started to surface. More men than women reported hearing bad news about the economy, as did people who are over 50 years old. When they looked at annual family income, those who earn more than $75,000 a year were most likely to hear bad news about the economy. There was a large difference between the opinions of Republicans and Democrats, with only 34% of Democrats and 57% of Republicans reporting hearing mostly bad news.


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