Fighting Hunger in Utah (Update)

Government doesn't necessarily need to be involved in a social safety network; indeed federally it is a violation of Constitutional principles. Jesus commanded his disciples or followers to "feed [his] sheep"; what Jesus didn't do was command the Roman government to feed the sheep. As families and as citizens in our communities we are empowered and even admonished to take responsibility for our own.

An example of a corporate program which we all can support as a community during this Christmas season is Walmart's Fighting Hunger program. Walmart has identified two communities in our state (Ogden and Salt Lake) as needing help among many nationally and has committed to donating $1M to fighting hunger in the community garnishing the most Facebook votes by Dec 31st and $100K to each of the next five communities.

The contest has been fun to track and participate in. Both Utah communities were far down in the rankings and have gradually moved up. Ogden/Clearfield is now in 6th place which just barely qualifies for the $100K if no other community posts a late surge to overtake (quite possible, to be sure) while Salt Lake City is in the #2 position. A large last-minute push these next couple of days could be what SLC needs to get the $1M.

Part of the themostsearched mission is a call to action. With less time than it took to read this entry, you could help fight hunger in Utah. I encourage you to so do.

+++ Update 12/30 6pm:

With less than 24 hours left to go, Salt Lake has taken first place by a narrow margin for the first time over Fresno in the contest while Ogden has settled in for a solid 4th. The amount of interest in the contest has surged with tallies of both first and second place exceeding the entire populations of their respective counties. Wow.

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