Moving your App to the device (the Apple way)

I recently got my iOS developer ID, so I got to move my apps to my iPod Touch in the Apple-sanctioned way.
For the rest of this article, I'll just assume you'll be using a Mac, you have Xcode 4 installed (Xcode 3 will do, steps should be similar) and you already have your iOS developer ID and your Provisioning Profile ID.

  • First, plug your device into your computer and enable development on it. To do so, go to Xcode and from there to Window->Organizer. Select your device from the menu on the left and click on "Use for Development". Wait for the process to finish.
  • Now, open a Terminal and go to your App's location. You should have a Provisioning Profile ID, something called "iPhone Developer: Joseba García Echebarria" or something like that.
    In your Terminal, run the following command:
    codesign -f -s "iPhone Developer: Joseba García Echebarria" .
    Obviously, change my ID for yours.
  • Back to the Xcode Organizer window, go to "Applications", and click on "Add". Choose your app and click on "Open". The app will be transferred to your Device and you can run it from there.
Hope it's useful!

[Update] I've published a Xcode template that makes it easier to upload your games to your device.

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