Obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States, but nowhere is that seen more than in Holmes county, Mississippi. Holmes county has had the highest percentage of overweight and obese people for the past 6 years. 70% adults and 44% of children living in Holmes County are obese. Medical problems like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure run rampant, but few are willing to admit that their weight is what is causing the problem. Even among those that know that their weight is a problem, it is hard to change old habits, and even harder when poverty prevents them from buying healthier food.

Mississippi is not only the most obese state, but also the poorest, and it isn't hard to see the connection between the two. Many people have food stamps and choose to buy cheap processed foods instead of fresh fruits and vegetables.

The info-graphic posted here is from the NPR news series, living large: obesity in america, and shows the correlation between poverty and obesity. It also shows how eating habits have changed over time, most noticeably the increase in proportion size and consumption of meats and sugars. People are also eating more cheese and a lot more fast food.

Graphics like these are a great way to connect the correlations between different data sets, and also make the data more accessible and easier to interpret for the average person. That being said, you do have to be careful and keep an eye out for false data. This one has some sources cited, but it is not clear which data came from which source. It's also possible with this type of information to see correlations that don't really have any causation, but they are fun to use to compare different types of data and find connections that you didn't know were there.

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