Xcode 4 Template for running BennuGD games on iOS

I've just uploaded a template to the Google Code project page that serves as a small template that you can use to run your games in your iOS device and submit it to Apple's iTunes Connect portal in order to have it reviewed for inclusion into their App Store.
You can download the template from here.

Please bear in mind that here I'm assuming that you've got an iOS developer license in place and that you've put your device into development mode in the Xcode "Organizer" window.
Also, I'll be targeting Xcode 4. Xcode 3 might work, but it's untested.

So, after you've downloaded the template, uncompress it and open the Xcode project. You should see something like this:

In the summary panel in the right you'll most probably want to edit the default data (program name, version, interface orientation and icons for both the iPhone/iPod and the iPad).
Now, I'll assume you've got a working BennuGD game designed with your iOS device in mind available. I'll use the accelerometer test I posted earlier, modified to use the BennuGD logo as the bouncing box.
Right now the template cannot compile your BennuGD code directly (although I'd like to add that feature to the next version of the template) so you must already have your dcb compiled and renamed as main.dcb. You can see the resources used in my test project below:
Drag all the resources to the Xcode window's "Game Resources" group.

And be sure to check "Create folder references for any added folders" box in the dialog that'll appear. I advice you against checking the "Copy items to destination group's folder (if needed)" option as it'll make it harder to update your game resources.

Please make sure that the copied folders in the "Game Resources" group now appear in blue (and not in yellow; yellow is bad here).

Now, plug your iOS device in and change the compilation target to it:

Now, just click on the "Run" button. Your game will get copied to your device and run from there. Please understand that when you run your app using this method, it will run under a debugger session (you can output things to the debugger log by using "say") and so it'll start slowly. This is normal.
If you want to terminate your game at any given time, just click on the "Stop" button.
If you now run your game directly from your device, you'll see it runs at full speed.

In a next tutorial, I'll tell you how to upload the resulting binary to the iTunes Connect portal for review directly from this Xcode session, so stay tuned!

Hope you find this info useful!

[Edit] The template includes an updated BennuGD interpreter binary.

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