Biskut Suji Brunei

 What a relief, after not so good outcome on my first two trial, my third cookies turned-out to be really tasty, fragrant and melt-in-the-mouth. I always like to try out new recipes and the prize is 50-50 chance you will find something surprisingly good or a disappointment. Failures do not necessary means bad things - if you look at it positively, you will learn something out of it. Real good recipes are precious and not easily shared by people. This cookies was very popular at one time but no one is sharing the recipe until lately. Big compliment to Encik Mat Gebu for sharing and promoting this lovely cookies.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Cik Mat Gebu
Original by: Harlina Mahdar RN
Translated into English by HomeKreation
200g Ghee
100g Shortening
180g Castor Sugar
100g Cornflakes
- blend finely
1 Egg Yolk
80g Sugee

80g Cornflour
Plain Flour - adequately (+/- 370g)

- blend finely
Milk Powder
Icing Sugar (optional)
- Mix well

1. Beat ghee, shortening & sugar until well mixed.

Add in egg yolk & mix well.
Add in sugee, cornflour, flour gradually until soft dough is formed.

2. Pinch some dough and roll into small marble size balls.
Arrange onto baking tray.

3. Bake 180C for 20 minutes until crispy.
Cool on a baking tray.

Roll onto coating mixture & place in a paper cups.
Keep in an airtight container.

Biskut yang sangat sedap, Along letak 5* & maceh CMG kongsi resipi yg marbeles ni. Tekstur yg sangat gebu, harum, amat sedap sekali......

Source: Cik Mat Gebu
Original by: Harlina Mahdar RN
Resipi di ringkaskan sedikit utk mudah-rujuk
200g Minyak Sapi
100g Shortening
180g Gula Kastor
100g Cornflakes
- kisar halus 
1 Kuning Telur
80g Suji
80g Tepung Jagung
Tepung Gandum secukupnya (+/- 370g)

-  kisar halus
Susu Tepung
Gula Aising (optional)
- Gaul rata kesemua bahan salut

1. Putar minyak sapi, shortening dan gula halus hingga rata.
Masukkan kuning telur dan putar hingga sebati dan rata.
Perlahankan kelajuan, masukkan suji, tepung jagung, cornflakes dan tepung gandum sedikit demi sedikit hingga mendapat doh yang lembut.
2. Ambil secubit adunan dan gentel sebesar guli, susun dalam loyang pembakar.
Buat sehingga habis.

3. Bakar 180C selama 20 minit atau hingga kuning keemasan.
Biarkan sejuk atas dulang pembakar. 
Golek dalam bahan salut & isi dalam paper cup.
Simpan dlm bekas kedap udara.

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