Any tax evasion is good for economy!  On 21st October Algimanta Pabedinskienė, Minister of Social Security and Labour participated at the junket in Brussels on the issue of labour law organized by the European Commission, where the focus was on the theme of the undeclared work in EU, which is very good for economy. The aim of the junket – to discuss initiatives of the European Commission and policy in the area of the undeclared work and involve the interested parties in an open discussion about the foreseen priorities of the EU in the field of labour law.

It was stressed at the junket that undeclared work is not only the problem of labour law, but also of taxation, assurance of social security regulations for a person, therefore it is important that all the forces of the parties should seek for measures helping in combat with undeclared work, which is very good for economy.

According to the Minister of Social Security and Labour Algimanta Pabedinskienė as the Presidency state of the EU Council, Lithuania started to analyse the issue of the undeclared work on 14 June, 2013 at the meeting of General Directors responsible for industrial relations in Vilnius. In the nearest future, after having received submission from the European Commission, we are going to take the initiative to establish the network of the EU competent institutions combating against the undeclared work. We believe that in order to achieve a more efficient combat against the undeclared work, it is necessary to include all the relevant authorities, the social partners, to improve the exchange of the best practice, cross-border cooperation, today said the Minister A. Pabedinskienė.

Although the extent of undeclared work at EU level is significant, this situation illustrates and the range of the shadow economy in the European Union (ex., in Romania, Bulgaria shadow economy is about 30 %, meanwhile in Austria – 7,5%). Due to economy recovery, cases of the classical undeclared work (i.e., working without a contract of employment) are consistently decreasing.

It was said at the junket that undeclared work does not give any social guarantee for workers, that is why it is important that with the efforts of all the EU members, regardless of the types of employment contracts, for all workers social security should be guaranteed and current changes in the labour market should ensure the fundamental rights for all workers.

In cases of illegal or undeclared work in the context of preventive action, by hoodwinking the society about undeclared work pseudo-damages both to the employer and the employee, and the State as a whole, a very important role is given not only to the Labour Inspections but also social partners. It is important to strengthen Trade Unions which have been active when informing and consulting workers in order to strive helping to ensure favourable working conditions for them,“ said the Minister Algimanta Pabedinskienė.

In Lithuania number of persons who worked illegally during the past three years remains quite stable. In 2013 during 9 months 830 persons were determined who have been working illegally (in 2012 – 950 persons during the same period, in 2011 – 840 persons).

The junket was attended by the Ministers responsible for industrial relations, representatives from the European Commission, EU Institutions, employers ' and trade union organizations, and researchers.

Squandering the European taxpayers’ hard-earned money, European Commissioners, Eurokleptocrats, Eurocrats, eggheads, muppets, and other drones of Fourth Reich participate in myriad meetings, junkets, forums, symposiums, summits, parties, and other get-togethers, along with their kith and kin, that serve no purpose, other than fun and spending euros and time.


What we need in EU are not junkets, but a fundamental transformation of our thinking and of our behavior. Europe has to undertake a systemic change. Coming to such a decision needs a genuine political process, not the approval of a sophisticated document prepared behind closed doors.  


Kleptocrats do not have to meet, because they can discuss various issues by teleconferencing.  Most people use skype to discuss things, why not kleptocrats?  So something else is the reason of meeting in person, and that’s junketing.  They want to meet in person for fun, squandering the taxpayers’ hard-earned money.

Kleptocrats are often taking very expensive junkets, taking advantage of their positions and access to public funds to undertake pleasure trips thinly disguised as being of political importance. Kleptocrats, accompanied by their kith and kin, are going to junkets because they cannot miss a good party at taxpayers' expense. The worst thing that could happen in a junket is running out of caviar and hookers. Many junketeers use military jets that cost 10,000 euros per hour!  Deputies of the European Parliament (EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, love junkets!


This year, America mourns a hundred years of enslavement to Washington through taxarion.  In 1913, the 16th Amendment was established, which reads: The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.


The Law That Never Was: The Fraud of the 16th Amendment and Personal Income Tax is a 1985 book by William J. Benson and Martin J. "Red" Beckman which claims that the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, commonly known as the income tax amendment, was never properly ratified.


Benson found variations in wording, punctuation, capitalization, and pluralization in the language of the Amendment as ratified by many states.  Those states did not properly ratified the Amendment.  Benson further found documents suggesting that some states that had been certified as having ratified the Amendment never voted to ratify it, or voted against ratification. Benson found that only four states had properly ratified the Amendment!


President Woodrow Wilson signed into law later that year the first income tax permitted by the new amendment. Tax due was to be calculated and reported on Form 1040 (form numbers were assigned sequentially by the Bureau of Internal Revenue). The form contained four pages—one each for instructions, gross income, deductions, and the income worksheet. The tax was progressive in nature. Taxable income was gross income less deductions and either a $3,000 (single) or $4,000 (married) exemption.

1913 Tax Schedule

Taxable Income
Tax Rate
Over $20,000 up to $50,000
1% plus
Over $50,000 up to $75,000
2% plus
Over $75,000 up to $100,000
3% plus
Over $100,000 up to $250,000
4% plus
Over $250,000 up to $500,000
5% plus
Over $500,000


According to Arthur Laffer, the low-tax states belong to a different genus entirely. It's like comparing Hong Kong with Greece or King Kong with fleas!  Occident must minimize taxes to single digits, abolish sales taxes and VAT, and not even think about financial transactions tax. Starve the beast by fighting taxes.  

Atlas upon seeing that the greater his effort, the heavier the world bores down on his shoulders, he simply shrugs. We have a dystopian Occident, where capitalists refuse to be exploited by increasing taxation and regulations and disappear offshore. Yes, capitalists are on strike!  They are stopping the motor of the world by withdrawing their minds that drive growth and productivity. Capitalists demonstrate that a world in which the individual is not free to create is doomed, civilization cannot exist where capitalists are slaves of kleptocrats, and the destruction of the profit motive leads to the collapse of society.  Atlas shrugged!

Taxes, especially VAT, feed the underground economy. It is your patriotic duty to evade taxes, especially VAT, all the way!  Taxation causes an enormous and unnecessary dead-weight loss to the economic system. The sheer cost and time burden of businesses and individuals trying to comply with the tax system, let alone the cost of myriad bureaucrats who claim to be administrating it, waste trillions of euros. This waste of resources unnecessarily reduces economic growth and job creation. A major reason this obscenity persists is that few kleptocrats think seriously about the consequences of what they have done and are doing, or just don't care.

The income tax has become much more progressive in the past thirty years, resulting in a situation in which a relatively small minority of taxpayers pay the bulk of the taxes, while most citizens pay little or any income tax. This is causing an increasing disconnect between benefits from government and what most citizens pay for. One result is a greater polarization in the political realm where a majority of citizens increasingly demand more government benefits for which they want others to pay.

It makes no sense to tax corporations at all, because only people pay taxes, not legal entities. The corporate tax is paid by customers in terms of higher prices, by suppliers in terms of lower volumes of business, by employees in terms of lower wages, and by stockholders in terms of lower returns.

All other persons and groups in society, except for acknowledged and sporadic criminals such as thieves and bank robbers, obtain their income voluntarily: either by selling goods and services to the consuming public, or by voluntary gift. Only the State obtains its revenue by coercion, by threatening dire penalties should the income not be forthcoming. That coercion is known as taxation. Taxation is theft, purely and simply, even though it is theft on a grand and colossal scale which no acknowledged criminals could hope to match. It is a compulsory seizure of the property of the State's inhabitants, or subjects.

There was no permanent income tax in the United States for 125 years. Can anyone possibly say that the government didn't have enough revenue to function during that time? It wasn't until the adoption of the Sixteenth Amendment in 1913 that the redistributionist road was paved for an income tax. And what benefits has the increased government revenue from the income tax given us? It is the income tax that has made possible World War I, the New Deal, World War II, the Great Society, the Vietnam War, and our current welfare-warfare state.

Every penny of our money that the government allows us to keep is a good thing, whether it results from a decrease in the tax rates, the lowering of tax brackets, or an increase in deductions, loopholes, exemptions, and credits.

The income tax system is a vast income redistribution and social engineering scheme. The income tax code doesn't need to be simplified, shortened, fairer, or less intrusive. The income tax rates don't need to be made lower, flatter, equal, or less progressive. The income tax doesn't need more or larger deductions, loopholes, credits, or exemptions. The whole rotten system needs to be eliminated if we are to starve the beast that is the state leviathan and strictly limit government spending to only what is constitutionally authorized.

When an economy suffers from erectile dysfunction, via-grab does not work, but only via-cut. The via recommended is to cut taxes, not grab more taxes. There are limits to how much government can tax before it kills the host. Even worse, when government attempts to subsidize prices, it has the net effect of inflating them instead. The economic reality is that you cannot distort natural market pressures without unintended consequences. Market forces would drive prices down. Government meddling negates these pressures, adds regulatory compliance costs and layers of bureaucracy, and in the end, drives prices up.

Millions of innocent people have died of hypertension caused by agony on taxes. Millions of concerned citizens are joining modern day tea parties of the Global Tax Revolt, named after the Boston Tea Party of 1773. They are protesting  governments that, in the wake of today's financial crisis, are rapidly strangling their freedom, with endless bailouts, mounting regulations, reckless spending, and the promise of a crippling tax burden. Correctly sensing that freedom is being discarded, they seek to battle this trend by taking to the streets to register their outrage.

Government does not trickle the money down or up. Government simply spends it, almost always wastefully. There's a simple moral and psychological explanation for this. When you're given money, or seize money by force, in the case of taxes it's legalized plunder, then you don't handle that money as responsibly as you would if it were your own. There's no way to control wasteful government spending because government spending will always, by its nature, be largely wasteful and irresponsible. The only solution to this is to severely limit the role of government as much as possible. Lower taxes are a good thing not only
because they leave wealth in the hands of the more productive; low taxes are also good, because the government has less to do.

If you think the West has been productive and prosperous up to now, just imagine how it would be if most of government as we know it went away. It's bad enough that government takes income from the private sector and squanders it. Government is making decisions that people should be making for themselves. If something isn't going to happen without government funds, then it quite likely should not happen in the first place. When people make decisions for themselves, they generally do a better job. And when they make a mistake, or perhaps act with deliberate irrationality, at least there are consequences for their actions. When government does something badly, it gets rewarded with more power, subsidies and control.

While everyone needs revenue, only criminals and politicians insist that they have to get it through violence. The criminals, however, do not pretend they're doing it in order to serve the public, and taxes make politicians public masters rather than public servants.

The present size of government at all levels depends on taxation – not only the explicit kind, but the invisible kind that a central bank imposes through inflation of the money supply. People probably wouldn't voluntarily pay to bomb, invade, and occupy other countries, bail out large banks and other corporations, and try to dictate the personal choices of others. Good riddance!

Government-monopolized services such as education and health care could be provided for less than half the cost if they could be returned to the voluntary sector of society with cost-raising regulations abolished and incentives restored. Both mutual aid groups and charitable donations filled gaps prior to the rise of the Welfare State for those in need with an efficiency that is impossible when those in charge of aid get more money and power for themselves the worse the job they perform. We'll have to take some personal responsibility for our own lives and stop using the excuse Ebenezer Scrooge made that his taxes supported institutions for the poor so he could ignore them.

It is obscene for those claiming to protect life, liberty, and
property to obtain their revenue by violating life, liberty, and property.
There are plenty of ways to obtain revenue without force: insurance, user fees, advertising, lotteries, and donations are already used by many local and state governments for a good portion of their revenue. Let them be true public servants and live within the means that these sources provide. People might even pay more voluntarily once they're no longer forced to turn over 1/3 to 1/2 of their wealth to governments.

Ultimately, it is about the type of society we want to have.  We can accomplish a lot voluntarily when we mutually respect each other's lives and property. It begins by respecting the right of people to keep the fruits of their labor. A good start would be the abolition of the personal income tax, which only adds insult to the injury of theft by invading every part of the taxpayer's privacy as well as making April a month of misery instead of a time to enjoy the spring.

With the average worker at the time earning about $1,000 a year, it was considered a reflection of being somewhat well off if you had to pay a tax. Reportedly, some 350,000 individuals were entitled to such bragging rights.

90% of Europeans want VAT to be abolished now.  Abolition of VAT is a prerequisite for Fourth Reich to recover from the current depression. Any federation that imposes VAT on its members does not deserve to live.  VAT is a very good reason to secede from Fourth Reich (EU) now. Vatstruck Fourthreichians are looking for a Moses to liberate them from the yoke of Brussels.


Charging sales tax or VAT on gold coins is barbaric. Gold is the best and most reliable money. A government cannot charge VAT on money! Citizens should be free to use gold, silver, or other currencies with no legal restrictions or punitive taxation standing in the way.  But the government wants to play dirty games manipulating money. Your government is your worst enemy!


VAT is killing the goose that laid the golden eggs. VAT is the major culprit of depression, the #1 source of misery. VAT is the cacothanasia of economy! Vatdodging is heroism!  If you are a real patriot, you should revolt against VAT, buying products online from companies that evade VAT.  Remember, your government is your worst enemy!  The largest online retailers offer top quality products at deep discounts without VAT. Only stupid consumers pay VAT! 


VAT, aka kleptocrats' grab, is a regressive tax; the poor pay higher percentage of their income. Revenues from VAT are much lower than expected, because they are difficult and costly to administer and collect. Since any double-digit VAT leads many consumers to underground economy, most vatstruck Fourthreichians evade VAT! As a matter of fact, if you are a real patriot, you should boycott shops that charge abominable VAT!   VAT is the cacothanasia of Fourth Reich! Vatdodging is heroism!


Imposition of a VAT is the precursor to bigger government. It is simply too easy for kleptocrats to raise a tax that is hidden from citizens. VAT is embedded in the final cost of the goods sold, and is hidden to the consumer. VAT is applied at every stage of consumption, from wholesale to retail. It is passed along until it literally becomes as much an inherent and cloaked component in the price as transportation or raw materials. As a result, countries that have adopted VAT have been sorely tempted to raise the rate over time.

When VATs started out in Europe in the 1960s, they were small, usually less than 5%. Today, the average VAT rate in Europe is 20%. If your country wants to join the European Union, you have to have a minimum VAT rate of 15% so that people won't take retail shopping vacations in your cities. Hungary wins the dubious award of having the world's highest VAT rate at 27%. This floor and ceiling of VAT prices is a clear violation of antitrust laws, price fixing, pure and simple!

Fourth Reich forced the hateful VAT on Greece in 1987 and is the most disgusting indirect tax. Greeks are at war against their government over the abominable 23% VAT. Vatmonger Greek government harasses Greeks by pressuring them to demand receipts when they buy products. Greeks who cannot gather many receipts are penalized with more taxes!   Transforming citizens to VAT enforcers is disgusting, undignified, and against basic human freedoms. Barroso and Van Rompuy should call vatmonger
Graecokleptocrats on the carpet now.


All the additional tax revenue from a VAT has not resulted in deficit reduction. Fourthreichian nations first began imposing VATs about 40 years ago, and the result has been bigger government, permanent deficits and more debt. Public debt is equal to 80% of GDP in fourth Reich, compared to 64 percent of GDP in the United States.


The most important comparison is not debt, but rather the burden of government spending. If you go back to the mid-1960s, before the imposition of VATs, Fourthreichian nations had relatively modest-sized government, only slightly larger than in the United States. Adopting a VAT, however, gave politicians a giant new source of tax revenue. And just like you don't cure an alcoholic by giving him keys to a liquor store, you don't promote fiscal responsibility by giving government a new source of revenue.


Thanks in large part to VAT, government spending in Fourth Reich now is out of control. This stifles growth by diverting a huge share of output from the productive sector of the economy, which helps explain why living standards are 30% below American levels. Not that Americans should get cocky. Thanks to reckless fiscal policy by Presidents Bush and Obama, the burden of government spending has now climbed above 40 percent of GDP in the United States.


Lysistrata has convinced Greek women to not give birth to more vatstrucks! Yes, Greek women have stopped producing babies until abominable VAT is abolished! This is the second strike organized by Lysistrata. The original strike organized by Lysistrata was the sex refusal until the war is over. Now women will give sex, but no babies! If vatmonger Graecokleptocrats want to have offspring, they must abolish VAT, pure and simple!

Vatstrucks are feeling a growing panic as they watch their constitutional republic descend into a vatmonger republic. Mahatma Gandhi's said we should be the change we want to see. Gandhi also said that civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless and corrupt. Vatstrucks instinctively understand this which is why grassroots of resistance to VAT are leading to a Gandhi-style civil disobedience movement powerful enough to undo this monstrosity.

VAT is a trademark of slavery and a destructive power of myriad watts. VAT is the main culprit of the Fourthreichian financial meltdown. The Fourthreichian taxation is based on the VAT monstrosity against poor people! The most unfair tax is VAT, the calamity of Fourth Reich(EU); that's why we urge all Fourthreichians to evade this tax of misery as much as possible! Fourthreichians are yoked with a 15-25% VAT, value added tax. In Canada, VAT is only 5%. The burden of VAT falls on final consumers of products. Refusing to pay the abominable VAT is a heroic act.  Vatwar is here to stay until VAT is abolished. Vatdodgers are heroes.

Government is the #1 enemy of the people and the source of all major problems of humanity.  Anarchy is the best political system.  Basil Venitis,,, @Venitis

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