Presentation Poison!
The 3 Most Dreaded Phrases Ever Heard in a Presentation


By Richard A. Moran

We’ve all been there - standing up in front of the room, lights dimmed, projector whirring and the PowerPoint shining brightly on the screen. People are paying attention and taking notes. It’s all good and we are starting to get confident. We are thinking maybe there’s even a raise in our future, if things continue to go so well. Then one of the attendees raises a hand and asks, “Can I ask a question?”

Uh, oh, we think and say, “Sure”, but we know our rhythm is already broken. Then the comment comes and the air is sucked out of the room. We know the presentation may as well be over.
Any number of comments and phrases can derail a presentation. Phrases like, “We need more data”, or “We need to change the agenda”, or, “Sorry to cut you short” are among them. Even a request for a bathroom break can be an act from which a presentation never recovers. But there are three phrases that are sure fired presentation killers.

1. Those numbers don’t look right – This phrase is almost always uttered by the most senior person in the room or the most analytical person. And the chances are, they are right, and the number is wrong. There is no recovery except to say that we will double check the numbers and get back to you. But the presentation is over because after the questions about that page, nothing else is believable.

2. Can we do a process check? When this question is raised it means no one knows what the hell we are talking about any more. The discussion has gone so far off track that people had started checking their email long ago. Process check is another way to say what subject are we on? When the question comes up, it means you let the conversation go too far afield to why anyone showed up for the meeting in the first place.

3. I know you can’t read this, but… We have all heard the phrase and there is always a collective sigh of resignation in the room when we hear it. Anyone who hears this phrase takes it as permission to do something else during the presentation. A synonym for this phrase alludes to an eye chart. Why pay attention to something you can’t read? Never, ever show any things that no one can read.

The remedy to all three phrases is simple. Prepare. Prepare. Prepare.

Make sure all the numbers are right.

Don’t let the meeting go off track. Be a leader.

Show pictures, not data that no one can read.




Basil Venitis speaks up for liberty and tax revolt at events around the world.  At the podium, Venitis criticizes the dysfunctional kleptocracy that exists in all countries today and highlights the need for anarchy, abolition of taxes, especially VAT, privatization of everything, and unlimited personal liberties.

Venitis captures the attention and hearts of conferees by relating the current issues such as debt, depression, privacy, and freedom to political corruption. His unwavering passion leaves conferees motivated to speak out, revolt, and let kleptocrats know what they want.

Smart words are more effective than smart bombs. For your conference, get a dynamic keynote speaker who can transform your people and your world.  Take advantage of a unique libertarian orator, Basil Venitis.  As many associations, colleges, industry groups, companies, political groups, lobbyists, professional congresses, and speakers bureaus have discovered, speeches by Basil Venitis add immeasurably to the enduring value of a conference. 

Venitis doesn't restate what you can learn from regular sources, but he stretches your imagination to new horizons. Venitis is extensively involved in policy issues and the tax revolt. He is often a part of the process, working to shape and direct critical components of libertarian issues. Venitis is a master of a colorful rhetoric enriched with alliterations, metaphors, heightened imagery, and emotional effect. 

Speeches by Venitis enable audiences to truly learn, and provide fascinating, provocative insights and analysis, getting to the heart of the matter. It's no wonder that Venitis is so often called upon to present libertarian ideas and to clarify issues for the public.  Your event deserves seven important comparative advantages, the magnificent seven:

* Value. A single speech of Basil Venitis will be cherished by your conferees forever, guiding them at the crossroads of their lives and your organization, increasing their efficiency, and improving the good will of your organization.

* Access. When scheduling Venitis for your event, you work directly with him to craft a keynote speech that fits your precise needs. Venitis works with organizations to ensure that his speeches provide maximum value, and he shares their dedication to making their event a huge success.

* Insight. Given Venitis's great experience in speaking across the globe, and with his unparalleled knowledge of politics, economics, finance, sciences, philosophy, and spirituality, he can help you determine the keynote for your event.

* Transformation. Your people will be transformed to a new level of knowledge, attitude, and organizational climate.

* Revamp. Your organization will be revamped with new soul, vision, and values.

* Affordability. The cost of having Venitis speak at your conference is 5,000 euros plus travel expenses from Athens. 

* Follow up.  Your executives may consult Venitis any time for any questions they might have. 



themostsearched is a new libertarian paradigm which integrates politics, economics, ethics, and spirituality:

Black Hole: Taxation is armed robbery that feeds the black hole of political corruption; it's the perfect index of corruption and tyranny. Only evil governments tax citizens and companies.

Constitution: The only purpose of a constitution is to protect citizens from government abuse. Reform treaties of a confederation, such as the Lisbon Treaty of EU, not voted by the citizens are null and void.

Corruption: Political corruption is proportional to the square of the size of the government.

Democracy: Every democracy is eventually hijacked by rabblerousers, pullpeddlers, clans of kleptocrats, bumptious bugaboos, busybodies, butterbabies, nabobs of nepotism, cranks of cronyism, pusillanimous pussyfooters, riffraffs of rascals, socialist sophists, and Machiavellian mafiosi. Democracy tends to kleptocracy. Anarchy should replace democracy.

Depression: Only governments can cause economic depressions and funny money. Lower tax rates, a reduction in the burden of government, and elimination of kleptocracy and VAT are the only way to boost growth.

Education: There is no direct relationship between education and schooling. You might be schooled but uneducated, and you might be educated but unschooled. Schools are concentration camps for the drones of society.  Unschooling is much better than schooling. Internet is the best source of knowledge and information, replacing schools, libraries, media, parliaments, and postoffice.

Environment: The best way to save the environment is vasectomy.  Deadly viruses are Gaia's antibiotics against the cancer of overpopulation.

Equality: Death is the only equalizer. Egalitarianism brings death to society, transforming citizens to zombies.

Evolution: The ultimate phase of human evolution is the complete domination of soul.

Faith: Faith is retarded thinking that keeps you away from God.  You have to become faithless, in order to start your journey to God!  You have to discover God your own way without intermediaries. God's truth should replace faith.  You might discover that God is the universe!

Government: The only purpose of government is to protect citizens from criminals. Public services, central banks, and fiat money should be abolished.

Heroism: Entrepreneurs, innovators, anarchists, and heretics are the real heroes.

Insurance: Citizens with proper individual retirement accounts and health savings accounts should be allowed to opt out of State Insurance.

Intervention: Any government intervention deteriorates an existing trend. Laissez-faire is the only progressive policy.

Laws:  All laws that citizens are required to know should not exceed 300 pages of type size 12.  When a new law is born, another law must die.

Legislature: Parliaments should be abolished, because they continuously create laws that enslave citizens, constrain economic activity, loot producers, reward drones, and encourage political corruption.

Misery: Throwing money to misery brings more misery.

Money: A deluge of fiat money brings financial plague and haemorrhage of economy. Real money is tied up to precious metals and strategic metals.

Patriotism: Patriotism is addiction to local hysteria.

Privacy:  Nobody, including your government, has the right to break into your home, your land, your accounts, your computer, your files, and your secrets.  You have the natural right to protect your privacy from intruders.  Molon Labe!

Property: Governments should not own or regulate any property, including electromagnetic waves. The first individual who improves or cultivates any unclaimed property is entitled to that property.  Governments cannot own, allocate, regulate, or manipulate frequency fields and media. Eminent domain is null and void.

Religion: Religion is spiritual slavery. Church is the business of religion. Religious monopoly turns bishops to ayatollahs, and churches to Sodom and Gomorrah.  Spirituality, pantheism, and metaphysics should replace religion. Most scientists are pantheists!

Selfownership: You own your body and your soul, and nobody should dictate what you take in and what you take out. Speech, education, heresy, habeas corpus, military service, mating, healthcare, food, abortion, cloning, drugs, guns, and euthanasia should be personal choices.

Style: Your soul needs to resonate with mighty words and unique acts that express your style and destiny. Your government cannot dictate your language, your words, and your culture. Resonate now and sing your song!

System: The most efficient political system is anarchy, where everything is private, there are no taxes at all, there is no government, and there is no parliament.

Taxes: Taxes destroy the economy. Raising tax rates is masochism. Smart stimulus is to cut tax rates. Stupidus stimulus is to increase spending, which stimulates the cancer of statism!

To have Venitis speak at your event, email

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