The political system of Greece needs a creative destruction.  The impunity of Graecokleptocrats has to be abolished.  Church and state should separate.  The loot of Graecokleptocrats should return to the Treasury.  Everything should be privatized, including schools, streets, forests, mountains, beaches, and islets.  The state should not be allowed to own any property.  The huge influx of criminal Pakistani must be stopped now.

In Greece, there are no real political parties, but political mafias!  There are no political leaders, but political godfathers.  Any MP who does not kowtow to the godfather automatically is expelled from the mafia.  The two main political mafias, Pasok and Nea Democratia, have destroyed Greece and debased the Greek soul. Pasok is the most infamous political mafia on Earth!





Drasi, a libertarian party, is the only honest party in Greece, but it gets only 2% of the popular vote, unable to enter the Greek parliament, which requires 3% of the popular vote.  Greeks cannot understand the libertarian ideology of Drasi, and they are hoodwinked by the Greek political mafias, which spread the cancer of socialism.

I am a founding member of Drasi, and I cannot understand the stupidity of Greek voters who bring to power political mafias again and again.  It looks like Greeks have been brainwashed with socialist propaganda through media parrots and public schools.  The cancer of Greek socialism is at an advanced terminal phase.

Pasok and Nea Democratia, the two major political mafias of Greece, rely on omerta to cover up their huge corruption. Having no real alternatives to Nea Democratia and Pasok mafias, Greeks move to extreme leftist Syriza and chauvinist Golden Dawn.  Mickey Mouse extreme leftist party Syriza overturned four decades of political dominance by Nea Democratia and Pasok to become the second party in the parliament. Extreme right Golden Dawn is now the third party.

Tsipras of Syriza is a Hugo Chavez rabble-rouser who does not understand economics. He wants to criminalize the privatization of public enterprises. He has been labeled the most dangerous man in Europe, and he has been pressuring successive governments to abandon austerity measures that underpin Greece's continued access to international aid. Tsipras is banking on the fact that eurozone treaties don't permit a country to be evicted from eurozone; so he has opted for uncompromising opposition.

Pasok and Nea Democratia mafias must be abolished now, because they have robbed the Greek treasury and the pension funds, received myriad bribes and kickbacks, exchanged sinecures for votes, spread the cancer of socialism, destroyed the Greek economy, robbed the banks at gunpoint, imposed kangaroo justice, persecuted dissident bloggers, established the impunity and immunity of Graecokleptocrats, framed a ridiculous constitution, enslaved Greece to Fourth Reich, debased the Greek soul, transformed the cradle of democracy to the cradle of kleptocracy, and deteriorated the national character of Greece.  

Nea Democratia and Pasok are going belly up. They are overwhelmed by debts of 300 million euros. The debts of the two mafias far exceed the combined 37 million euros the parties received in state funding last year. Parties that receive more votes get more funding. Relying on past good results, the big political mafias have pledged future state funding as collateral for bank loans. But in the 2012 election. their support collapsed, leaving them with big loans and facing much smaller incomes. This is all about the exchange of favors. These two mafias cannot pay the debt so it's a vicious circle in which they come to depend on the banks. It creates an interdependence of politicians and banks.

At the 2012 election Pasok saw its share of the vote plunge from 43 percent to 12 percent, while Nea Democratia's share fell from 33 percent to 29 percent. Nea Democratia owes ATE bank 120 million euros and Pasok owes ATE 110 million euros. ATE had to be rescued from collapse, taken over by Piraeus Bank.

Greece provides public funding for political parties and their election campaigns. Last year the state handed out a total of 54 million euros. Each year parties receive funding equal to 0.13 percent of annual state revenue. Greece hands out three times the amount spent by Germany on political parties. Per valid vote cast, Athens spends an average ten euros versus Germany's three euros.

The generous state funding in Greece is emblematic of the country's financial malaise. This self-serving mentality will not come to an end as long as Greece is funded by the solvent states in the euro zone. The fact that Greek parties get three times as much funding per vote as in Germany is part of the problem.

State funding to political parties must be adjusted to what the Greek economy can afford and not be far off from the corresponding average in the European Union. It is politically unacceptable for parties to be propped up with bank loans when many businesses are unable to obtain credit even against sound collateral.

There is in Greece a general public mistrust of the system of political financing and supervision, which may be attributed to an overall inefficient and opaque system of supervision, in which political parties are both judge and jury.
Socialistic politics leads naturally to deficits. Politicians typically insist that they intend to constrain the growth of government spending, but in reality they seldom are able to overcome the natural incentives of increasing government spending.  Greek elections bring Pyrrhic victories.  Graecokleptocrats are more concerned with elections than in making real spending cuts. We should keep in mind the words of Pyrrhus after the battle of Asculum: Another such victory and we will be undone. 


Greek law, introduced by Venizelos, allows Greek ministers to get bribes, but it does not allow them to launder that money!  That’s why out of all these ministers who got huge bribes, only Tsochatzopoulos got in trouble!

Graecokleptocrats have long been dubbed the untouchables.  MPs cannot be touched, because they are protected by impunity, engraved in the ridiculous constitution of Greece!  However, mayors do not enjoy impunity.  MPs have received bribes and kickbacks amounting to two hundred billion euros since the end of dictatorship in 1974, and nobody can do anything about it.  A seat in the parliament comes with a robbing license.

Greece has all the right conditions for corruption: plenty of bureaucracy, kangaroo justice, laws with numerous loopholes, impunity of kleptocrats, and economic pressure.  Regarding bribes and robbing the Greek Treasury, Premier Andreas Papandreou infamously advised Graecokleptocrats: We all agree, of course, that we are allowed to give ourselves a little present from time to time, but please don't make it too large!

All Greeks know most politicians are corrupt.  Graecokleptocrats span the gamut of political corruption. Bribe is the gift bestowed to influence the recipient's conduct. Kickback is a payment to a person in a position of power or influence for having made an income possible. Embezzlement is outright theft of entrusted funds. Patronage is favoring supporters. Nepotism is favoring kin. Cronyism is favoring kith. Graft is an unscrupulous use of a politician's authority for personal gain. 

Greece is the queen of political corruption in Occident. The impunity of the 300 MPs of the Grand Brothel of Kleptocracy on Syntagma Square is the most freakish thing on Earth.  Even though Graecokleptocrats loot many billion euros in bribes and churning, Graecokleptocrats cannot go to jail!  Graecokleptocrats are protected by the parliamentary immunity, and nobody can touch them, no matter what. Moreover, they have the nerve to jail dissident bloggers.  It’s a long way from the 300 Spartans of Leonidas!  Allons enfants de la Grece! 

Michael Christoforakos, former president of the Greek subsidiary of Siemens, revealed some names of the 200 Graecokleptocrats, who shared two billion euros in kickbacks, to the prosecutor of Munich, where he escaped from Greece.  He also deposited all names with two public notaries in Munich, in case he gets murdered by agents of Graecokleptocrats.  This way he stays alive!  But the Greek government has not pressed charges against the 200 Graecokleptocrats, because they are protected by immunity and they are in power in Greece, members and ex-members of the Greek government and parliament.  You just cannot press charges against yourself!  Moreover, the Greek government does not even reveal their names for the voters to know who they are voting for.

Christoforakos also revealed the names of twenty journalists who received many million euros in hush money to keep their mouth shut about the billion euro kickbacks to the 200 Graecokleptocrats.  Needless to say, those Graecokleptocrats who did not receive kickbacks are also guilty, because they all knew about the bribery of their colleagues and said nothing about it.  The suitcases with the cash were whistling around them.  There is no way they could not hear all that loud whistling!  So, in reality we are talking about four hundred guilty people!   Since Greeks continue to vote for the same crooks again and again, they deserve what they get!

The Greek government never bothered to ask the Munich prosecutor for the Christoforakos list of 200 Graecokleptocrats who received two billion euros in bribes from Siemens. In another infamous list, SDOE is currently investigating the assets of sixty Graecokleptocrats. 


The largest bribes originate in the military industry. Military procurement is a corrupt business from top to bottom. The process is dominated by advocacy, with few checks and balances. Most people in power love this system of doing business and do not want it changed. War and preparation for war systematically corrupt all parties to the state-private transactions by which the government obtains the bulk of its military products. There is a standard 10% bribe to kleptocrats for military purchases. 

Participants in the military-industrial complex are routinely blamed for mismanagement, fraud, abuse, bribes, and waste. All of these unsavory actions, however, are typically viewed as aberrations, malfeasances to be covered-up, while retaining the basic system of state-private cooperation in the trade of military goods and services and the flow of bribes. These offenses are in reality expressions of a thoroughgoing, intrinsic rottenness in the entire setup.

We all know what happens at Olympics, an international competition of steroids, not athletes. People feel well during the games, but feel miserable after the games when they find out Olympics cost them ten times more than projected, and most of it went to kickbacks of kleptocrats!  The Athens Olympics cost was projected to two billion euros, but it finally cost Greek taxpayers thirty billion euros, with all that extra money going not to the games, but to the private pockets of Graecokleptocrats.

In Greece, the most corrupt country of Fourth Reich, trains run completely empty to nowhere!  Many trains bought from Germany do not fit the rails, but they were bought just to generate bribes!   In 2009, investigators of the Munich Prosecution Department uncovered a corruption affair, in which MAN has given huge bribes to Greek politicians to get large orders for overpriced trolleys.  A streetcar named desire!  These trolleys with huge markups are named bribes!  But Greek prosecutors have started investigating this scandal just in September of 2012!  

Partyfare is a new political disease.  Partyfare allows political parties to rob the State Treasury and banks by a simple vote in the parliament!  The cost of Greek politics is the highest in Fourth Reich. Recently, a thirty-million-euro injection was granted again by the Grand Brothel of Democracy on Syntagma Square to its hookers!  Political parties in Greece are the highest funded in Europe as a proportion of tax revenue, ten times more than in Germany. The Greek political parties receive fifteen euros per vote in State funding, the highest in Europe.

Graecokleptocracy and the overflowing bureaucracy in Greece makes it very easy to embezzle Fourth Reich funds. Many professors and administrators at Panteion and other colleges, well connected to piggish Graecokleptocrats, were sentenced to long prison terms for embezzlement. A Greek court found they had misused many million euros in research funds. The guilty of Panteion include a rector, a vice-rector, and an accountant who bought a red Ferrari using research money. Money was embezzled from research budgets and spent on rugs, marble bathrooms, and furnishings for holiday apartments.

Greece has received a quarter of trillion euros in Fourth Reich funds, but big parts of that went down the drain in economically useless or imaginary projects of Graecokleptocrats. You won't find a study in Greece looking at where exactly the Fourth Reich billions are flowing to. You won't get an overview of the total costs and the projects' exact status of implementation.

Olive oil cooperatives, well connected to Graecokleptocrats, report a higher production output to Brussels compared to what their actual figures are to receive more subsidies. Databases to document their demands are run by the cooperatives themselves and are easily manipulated.

Licensure is a sign of slavery.  All licenses of the kangaroo justice government of Greece should be abolished, including doctors, lawyers, and marriage. The kangaroo government of Greece licensure is an immoral exercise of force, an overly burdensome restraint on trade, a violation of the right to liberty, a mill of kickbacks. Government is a guarantor of liberty and is compatible with liberty only if its range is adequately restricted to the preservation of economic freedom.

One of the many reasons why the kangaroo government licensure is incompatible with liberty, therefore, is because it is destructive to economic freedom. No other nation demands more licenses than the Cradle of Kleptocracy.  Any Greek has the natural right to pursue any means of providing for his family, so long as in doing so he does not act fraudulently or otherwise violate the rights of others.

The kangaroo government mandated license turns the market of the Cradle of Kleptocracy upside down. It prohibits every Greek from producing in a given industry except for those who are granted the privilege of doing so by the kangaroo government, especially those who provide huge bribes to kleptocrats. The kangaroo government, in such a scenario, absorbs all individual rights unto itself and then divvies up some of those rights in any number of ways.

Under the licensing system of the kangaroo government, such as it exists today in the Cradle of Kleptocracy, if some Greek attempts to exercise his natural right to provide for himself without the kangaroo government's nod of approval, which usually comes with bribes, that person goes to jail. Imprisonment for supporting oneself in an honest and non-fraudulent manner which does not infringe on the rights of others just doesn't seem right.

Preemptive protection is offensive in nature, and therefore, is itself a violation of natural rights. In a free society, it is only after fraud or another violation of rights takes place that the state has the right to intervene on behalf of the consumer.  By means of the licensure power, the kangaroo government can permit a Greek to eat or it can condemn him to starve, unless he bribes kleptocrats. So long as the kangaroo government has the power to issue licenses to live in the Cradle of Kleptocracy, Greeks cannot claim to be free, and living without freedom is not much of a life.

The root causes of Greece's crisis are corruption, VAT, and the enormous regulatory burden that crushes the country's economy.  Foreign investors have long been put off by bribes, myriad licenses, bureaucracy, and lack of clear laws. There is a mistrust in entrepreneurship. Greek bureaucracy treats anyone trying to start a business as if he is guilty of something. Civil servants are throwing you into a labyrinth on purpose, in order to get bribes. The law gives them the latitude to delay you or punish you.

One of the main obstacles to more investment is the legal jumble that dictates how Greek businesses work.  Even Graecokleptocrats admit the lack of clear laws and the endless requests for opinions, studies, and permits are there to give work to unionized specialists. There are whole businesses and technical offices employing engineers and experts specifically for the purpose of licensing.

Requests for bribes are not always explicit. Sometimes people quote you a price and sometimes they drop hints about the cost of things and how hard it is to get by.  A civil servant might tell you that politicians come and go, but he'll be here waiting for you!

Avoiding the state is the best way to get ahead. To sidestep the maze of permits that torment many entrepreneurs, one should buy an existing business that has the licenses already in place. Graecokleptocrats create myriad stupid fuzzy laws that everybody ignores. Several interests prefer a fuzzy system they can manipulate, especially in building permits, which are a hub of corruption.

Investors are bewildered by the way tax rates and rules constantly change. The unstable system makes business planning difficult. The tax code requires such complicated book-keeping that most companies find it impossible to follow. It also requires constant visits by tax inspectors, which open the way to corruption.

The Greek depression might turn to a constructive destruction.  One hopes that with the nightmare that Greece is going through at the moment, Graecokleptocrats might have a reality check and decide to change things. Let's hope Graecokleptocrats can do it, otherwise you are not going to see any investment in Greece.

Incompetent political mafiosi continue to govern Greece today, the same people, the same corruption story. For decades, they have created a rotten system that permeates all segments of Greek society.  For example, Greece's state social security organization IKA has been used by many in Greece as their personal piggy bank. The fact that IKA coffers are empty hasn't stopped corrupt public employees from continuing to transfer money to kith and kin who are not entitled to receive any payments at all.

The Athens Polytechnic uprising in 1973 was a massive demonstration of popular rejection of the Greek military junta of 1967-1974. The uprising began on November 14, 1973, escalated to an open antijunta revolt and ended in the early morning of November 17 after a series of events starting with a tank crashing through the gates of the Polytechnic.

November 17 is currently observed as a holiday in Greece.  Students and politicians lay wreaths on a monument within the Polytechnic on which the names of Polytechnic students killed during the Greek Resistance in the 1940s are inscribed. There are no names of the Polytechnic uprising in 1973, because no Polytechnic student died.  However all the people pretend that the inscribed names correspond to 1973!

The November 17 Polytechnic generation has become the present-day mafia of piggish Graecokleptocrats which rules Greece.  The Polytechnic generation capitalized on its experiences to gain power and wealth in a calculated manner. For them, the Polytechnic uprising was an alibi that opened the doors of Greece’s parliament and academic institutions even though they lacked the necessary qualifications. They were part of the big orgy of European subsidies, and continue to play a part in the system of corruption and dependency on state money. If anyone dares criticize their questionable ethics, they invoke their past ordeals to deflect attention from their current corruption.

Graecokleptocrats and parroting media are on a witch-hunt to steal the voters of Golden Dawn.

It’s very funny and ironic when the kleptocratic alliance of Pasok mafia and Nea Democratia mafia accuses other political parties of being criminal organizations!  Pasok and Nea Democratia are the most dangerous criminal organizations of Greece.

The Greek Gestapo crackdown of Golden Dawn has backfired! The freakish government of Greece is navigating into uncharted waters, constitutionally, with experts emphasizing the impossibility of outlawing a party catapulted into parliament by democratic means.


Even if the Golden Dawn MPs are found to be guilty they will still retain their political identity.  It would have been correct constitutionally to have sought the approval of the Grand Brothel of Kleptocracy on Syntagma Square to lift their political immunity first.




Golden Dawn declares: This is the most wretched conspiracy in modern Greek political history. The jailing of our general secretary is totally unfair, unconstitutional and dictated by foreign centers of power.


All experts have attributed the meteoric rise of Golden Dawn to the relentless Graecokleptocracy. Far from having ideological appeal in a country that suffered one of the most brutal occupations between 1941- 44 under Nazi rule, Golden Dawn has managed to capitalize on the deep sense of injustice and fury that has increasingly radicalized society.

Unfortunate accidents are presented as inspired by the Golden Dawn ideology, in order to demonize Golden Dawn and expel it from the Greek parliament.  It’s very funny and ironic for Graecokleptocrats to accuse other people of corruption!




Citizen protection minister Nikos Dendias proposed legislation that would cut off state funding to parties if their leader or more than a tenth of their lawmakers are charged with a felony carrying a 10-year jail term.

Tragicomedies are part of the Greek culture.  Now, many Greeks feel they have only two choices in politics: Graecokleptocrats or Golden Dawn!  Golden Dawn, the chauvinist party of Greece, has created a new political horizon.


Many Greeks consider Golden Dawn the golden fulcrum to fight Graecokleptocracy and socialism, which are out of control. Greece was brought to its knees by the kleptocratic parties of Pasok and Nea Democratia (ND) that ruptured the fabric of the Greek society and paved the way for Syriza and Golden Dawn.

Chauvinist Golden Dawn has a new-found sense of triumph. Riding a wave of public anger at corrupt politicians, Golden Dawn has seen its popularity double in a few months. Political analysts see no immediate halt to its rise. Golden Dawn has twenty percent of popular support. As long as the political system doesn't change and doesn't put an end to political corruption, this phenomenon will not be stemmed.




Samaras locks his foes in the notorious Korydallos prison, but this has backfired, transforming his foes to super-heroes!  Violent behavior by Golden Dawn members seems to boost rather than hurt the party's standing. As political corruption is at full speed and the government robs an enraged public, the collapse of the coalition of Nea Democratia and Pasok mafias remains on the political horizon. There is a possibility that Golden Dawn could become the main opposition in a snap election and Syriza the ruling party. Golden Dawn is the only institution in Greece that works. Everything else has stopped working or is partially working. Golden Dawn operates like a well-organized army unit, and the military is the best institution in any country.

Conditions in Greece are similar to those of Weimar Germany. It an atmosphere like in the 1930s in Germany against the Jews and their businesses. Golden Dawn leader Michaloliakos warns: When we are strong, we will show no mercy. It won't be democratic anymore.

There is a common ideological reservoir whereby chauvinist ND MPs and proponents of Nazi extremism express their political views and plan their political actions. For them national identity comes first. There is no room for individual rights. Nobody is entitled to any other belief than the nation and the Greek race.

Golden Dawn entered the Greek Parliament in 2012 with an unprecedented 6.92% of the vote. The party’s poll ratings have reached 20% in recent days. During this time, there has been a strong legitimization of their rhetoric, mainly emanating from the chauvinist political spectrum.


Outlawing troubles will not make them disappear!

As unappealing as the Golden Dawn appears to democrats, it seems rather a stretch to arrest the leaders of a political party for the actions of some members.  Indeed it appears Graecokleptocrats and kleptocrats in Brussels and elsewhere are beginning to notice that there are consequences to their utter destruction of Greece, its economy, and its society. The financial speculators who have been bailed out on the backs of the working classes in Greece suddenly see a history lesson called Versailles.

Will arresting the people who have been distributing food to the starving in Greece reduce or inflame tensions in Greek society? Can outlawing a political party without addressing the roots of its extremist ideology produce desired results?

Ironically, the Golden Dawn party traces its ideological origins and even personal and political ties directly to the leaders of the Greek far-right junta that was spawned by CIA intervention and ruled the country as a kind of anti-communist US client state from 1967-1974.

Troubles ahead for Europe, migrating from south to north. Outlawing troubles will not make them disappear.

The Greek presidency of EU must be annulled, because the kleptocratic alliance of Pasok mafia and Nea Democratia mafia cannot be trusted.  The freakish government of Greece stole my computer, my files, and my life in cold blood!  Basil Venitis,, @Venitis



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