Graecokleptocrats will not agree to a new bailout if Troika demands more austerity measures as part of the deal. Negotiations regarding Greece’s fiscal gap, financing shortfall, and what form further debt relief might take will continue, but Graecokleptocrats are adamant against more fiscal measures.

Stournaras says: We are negotiating hard, as we always do. However, realism and calm has to prevail on all sides. At a time when markets are starting to trust Greece again, illogical demands can only cause damage.  We will only agree on a new bailout package if it is not accompanied by new measures.  We will accept structural measures.  Fiscal and monetary strictness cannot be exhausted in Greece.

The spread between Greek 10-year bonds and the benchmark German bund dropped to its lowest level in three years last week, but Graecokleptocrats have been alarmed by demands for further cuts and the European Central Bank’s refusal to discuss the option of rolling over Greek bonds to cover the country’s financing gap.

Greece has already backed down over the size of its primary surplus this year, with the troika rejecting Athens’s requests to include gains made by the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund. It has also been rebuffed by the troika over projections of increased tax revenues next year.

ECB has refused to budge on the issue of bond rollovers because it considers this monetary financing of a member state, which the bank’s charter forbids. The Greek government however believes that ECB has been more flexible on similar issues in the cases of Ireland and Italy.  Well what would you expect from dishonest Graecokleptocrats.

Greece will not be able to return to bond markets next year to plug a financing gap that will start to open up, because all fund managers are very upset of what happened to me.  IMF is concerned that if the funding gap is not dealt with swiftly, it will further erode investor confidence in Greece. 

Venizelos, leader of Pasok mafia, asked Joerg Asmussen if it was possible to reorganize figures so Greece’s fiscal gap for 2015 and 2016 appears smaller than it actually it is!  For Asmussen, these words characterize the old Greece and outdated, inefficient systems for which he fundamentally has no understanding.

The kleptocratic alliance of Pasok and Nea Democratia mafias always tries to hoodwink gullible Troika – Eurozone, IMF, ECB.  Graecokleptocrats have learnt from experience how to siphon money from eurozone.  First, they create an enormous public debt buying votes, channeling money to secret offshore accounts of kith and kin, creating myriad sinecures for cronies and party members, churning public funds, looting the treasury, and financing many scandals.  Second, they cry wolf and ask for bailouts.  Third, they demand haircuts on debt.  Fourth, they demand new haircuts, and so it goes until a new cycle starts over again!

Lagarde is bewildered by the stupidity of Graecokleptocrats!  Some executives at Greek state enterprises have annual salaries of 300,000 euros!  Moreover, Greeks wonder why the offshore accounts of rich ministers have not been traced and why the names of hundred Graecokleptocrats who took many billions of euros in bribes have not been published.

 Lagarde does not trust Graecokleptocrats, because they never apply what they vote in the Grand Brothel of Kleptocracy on Syntagma Square!  All Europeans condemn Graecokleptocrats for creating hundred state agencies and hiring many thousands of public employees, even though they promised Troika to close down all agencies and fire many public employees.  Lagarde cannot stand Venizelos, founder of kleptocratic impunity!

OSI, Official Sector Involvement in debt haircuts, is now the secret objective of Samaras and Venizelos, Laurel and Hardy of Greek politics. PSI, private sector involvement, was psychotic.  Now, OSI is ossification of Graecokleptocracy, rewarding and perpetuating political corruption.  Osification brings ossification!  There is no way Merkel would accept OSI. Ohi is the Greek word for No. Merkel said to Samaras: Ohi for OSI! 


Troika is mad as hell, and it cannot take it from piggish Graecokleptocrats anymore. Troika walks grim-faced into its meetings with piggish Graecokleptocrats wearing funeral clothes! Troika is a doctor, who is looking over the tests of Graecokleptocrats, shaking its head, and Graecokleptocrats wondering if they are going to live or die.

Troika rushes in and out of ministers' offices with heads down, clutching files and avoiding reporters. Troika reviews a track record of two years of broken promises to international lenders, who have pledged a quarter of a trillion euros to pull Greece back from the brink of bankruptcy.

The coalition government of Samaras and Venizelos, Laurel and Hardy of Greek politics, is racing against the clock to come up with cuts and reforms. Laurel and Hardy have fallen quite badly behind, and they are trying very hard to put the train back on track. Troika's main task is to see how Laurel and Hardy could get restarted.

Troika is angry and fed up. Greece would not get any more money unless it showed some progress. Among a long list of failures, Laurel and Hardy have not completed any substantial privatizations and is behind on tax reform, restructuring the public sector, and properly opening up markets and professions.

Troika says huge political corruption and half-hearted reforms are to blame for holding the economy back. The lenders are demanding abolition of Graecokleptocracy and Trojan Horses. Troika has made it clear to Laurel and Hardy that they should prove their credibility first.

Dumping euros on Greece is ridiculous.  It’s unfair to squander hard-earned German euros, and it’s unfair for Greeks to be addicted to German handouts. Nobody wins in dumping, which increases sinecures, laziness, profligacy, diseconomy, political corruption, and bad attitude.


It is high time to bring an end to the Greek tragicomedy. Graecokleptocrats continue to negotiate as if things are business as usual, they let one final ultimatum after the other pass, and they persistently fail to realize that their discussions have started to verge on the absurd. It would be a lot better to end this farce.  The Greek economy is shrinking faster than assumed.  Rescuers on both sides of the negotiating table should try being honest for a change.   If Graecokleptocrats are to lastingly reduce the mountain of debt, Greece needs to revamp now.

The drastic austerity programs will not only remain ineffective, but will also stigmatize Greece as Europe's problem child for a long time to come. Solidarity is not a one-way street.  The European Community must remain tough and demand the necessary structural reforms, especially drastically reducing the huge political corruption, abolishing the impunity of Graecokleptocrats, and stopping the persecution of dissident bloggers.

Eurokleptocrats are losing touch with reality. Greece is broke, and yet Brussels sends Graecokleptocrats billions in new loans. This is understandable, given that abandoning portions of their claims against Greece would translate into substantial losses. But cutting losses short is the golden rule of markets.

Michael Spencer, CEO of ICAP, says: Personally, I think it would be in Greece’s own interest to leave the euro. It’s my personal opinion, and I appreciate there are those who disagree with that, but I think they face a long, long recession if they remain within the euro, whereas if they leave the euro there would admittedly be a very painful adjustment, but it would be short and it would be sharp.

The Greek bailout is the heroin of Graecokleptocrats.  It feels good in the short term for Graecokleptocrats, but it doesn’t help repair the Greek economy, causing more damage, because it gets in the way of a proper recovery.  Graecokleptocrats hoodwink that acquisition of their heroin is a heroic act, but heroin is not heroine!

Graecokleptocrats consider Fourth Reich a processor of ESM poppies. But EU’s poppy tears bring Greek tears!  ESM is not the opium of the masses.  ECB is not a morphine exchange, and Fuehrer Merkollande is not a heroin trader.  Dehydrated Greek economy must drink water, not opium latex.

The Greek debt differs from that of other nations, because it’s not due to spending, but robbing!  Graecokleptocrats got huge kickbacks from overpriced purchases of public equipment and contracts and by churning the state insurance funds.  If this is not robbing, what is it?  When politicians of other nations were trying to do things for their citizens, Graecokleptocrats were trying to fatten their secret offshore accounts, protected by parliamentary immunity. Graecokleptocrats rob Peter not to give Paul, but to themselves!

That’s why the Greek workers are on strike.  They resent paying the huge Greek debt created by Graecokleptocrats.  It’s not fair to tax and reduce the salaries and benefits of workers to make up for the money stolen by Graecokleptocrats.  The fairest action would be for Graecokleptocrats to return the stolen money back to the Greek treasury. Many Graecokleptocrats live like princes of Saudi Arabia!  Enough is enough, bring the money back!

Graecokleptocrats’ program is already hopelessly behind schedule, in terms of both the sale of government property and the agreed reforms. Graecokleptocrats do many stupid things, such as persecuting dissident bloggers!  It's like dealing with children that constantly have to be told to clean up their rooms. Troika is very angry. Everyone is irritated over the lack of progress and unbelievable stupidity of Graecokleptocrats.

Michael Fuchs says: Even if the glass is half full, that won't be sufficient for a new aid package. Germany cannot and will not agree to that. We long ago reached the point where the Greeks must show they are capable of delivering a shift. A policy of the last, last, last chance won't work anymore and must come to an end.

Fuchs points out Germany had reached its limit with Greece and would not hesitate to veto more aid if lawmakers were convinced it was not fulfilling the conditions of its bailout.  Were that to happen, grexit would be inevitable. Greece could remain a member of the European Union after exit and receive a form of Marshall Plan to help it as it returns to its own currency.

There is only one solution to the dilemma faced by Graecokleptocrats over their inability to borrow more money. Shut down the government! Debt ceiling or no debt ceiling, deficit or no deficit, all of stupid ministries, agencies, boards, commissions, authorities, bureaus, divisions, services, administrations, and programs should be shut down.  This is not complicated!

The best thing that could ever happen to Greeks would be if the majority of the functions of the bankrupt Greek government were shut down permanently.  Jefferson said the two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. 

But the bankrupt Greek government has already become a legal criminal institution and the #1 enemy of the Greek people!  Unfortunately, Jefferson’s advice has come too late to the Cradle of Kleptocracy.  That’s why Greece now needs a real revolution to overthrow the corrupt status quo.  If the army is not willing to do it, Greeks themselves might start acquiring guns for the great moment of liberty, climaxed by the public hanging of all Graecokleptocrats in front of the Grand Brothel of Democracy on Syntagma Square.   Any Greek tragedy ends up with a catharsis!

Internet can replace schools.  State insurance is an entitlement program, an income transfer scheme, a wealth redistribution plan, and a Ponzi scheme. State insurance taxes should be abolished and the program should be shut down.  All taxes should be abolished and the tax service should be shut down. 

Germany is not prepared to extend further loans to Greece beyond what has already been agreed.  Moreover, IMF won't take part in any additional financing for Greece.  It is inconceivable Merkel would again ask Bundestag for approval of a new Greek bailout package.  Merkel is unwilling to risk a rebellion in another rescue for Greece.

Roesler is more than skeptical that Greece's reform efforts will succeed. If Greece no longer meets its requirements, there can be no further payments. For Roesler, a Greek exit has long since lost its scare.  Schaeuble asserts Greece must catch up.

Laurel and Hardy must reduce the budget deficit.  Laurel and Hardy are under intense public pressure to ease the burden on Greeks. Laurel declares Greece is in a Great Depression similar to the one in the US in the 1930s. Laurel and Hardy concede they have slipped in implementing the cuts and reforms required by the creditors. 

Alexander Dobrindt says: With Greece we have reached the end of the road. There must not be any further aid. A country which does not have the will to fulfill the conditions, or is not able to do so, must get a chance outside the euro.  Greece should start to pay half of its civil service wages, pensions and other expenditures in drachmas now.  A soft return to the old currency is better for Greece than a drastic move. Having the drachma as a parallel currency would allow the chance for economic growth to develop.

In addition to more time, Greece needs more money.  But eurozone and IMF are unwilling to squander more euros. If Merkel were to present a new aid package for Greece to Bundestag, MPs would chase her out of the building! Merkel insisted that the problems of PIGS could only be solved by drastic belt-tightening, and that what the Greeks were really lacking was the will to do what was necessary.  Merkel cannot imagine the huge political corruption of Greece.
If it was ever the goal of Merkel and her allies to rescue Greece from bankruptcy, then they have failed. The only thing the drastic austerity measures have done is to exacerbate the economic crisis and push Greece's debts even higher in a never ending spiral of austerity, depression, and debt.  Greece must officially declare bankruptcy. A Greek bankruptcy would cost Germany alone two hundred billion euros, but Greece would be free of its debts and would have a chance to make a fresh start.

Samaras hoodwinks about Graecovery, but grexit is very probable.  Samaras just fakes it before he makes it! The nature of economic activity in Greece suggests that growth is just a pipe dream.  The few investments in the private sector are trivial. There are very small numbers, insufficient to stimulate growth across the economy.

Furthermore, any lending to big companies in Greece isn’t being matched by loans to small companies or households. Borrowing costs for Greek SMEs remain far higher than the rest of eurozone.  Credit to the private sector continues to contract.

Greek banks face a long road before they have healthy balance sheets and are willing and able to lend. Furthermore, the business operating environment in Greece remains unattractive because of high levels of red tape, huge regulatory burden, huge political corruption, impunity of kleptocrats, an opaque legal system, political mafias, a slow and corrupt judiciary, and persecution of dissident bloggers.

These grim prospects for economic growth are accompanied by extreme social strain, such as unemployment rate of 30%.  There are two million Greeks that are out of work, half-million families that have nobody earning an income, half-million workers whose employers have not paid them for months.  Most Greeks are finding it difficult to make ends meet and most young people try to find their future away from Greece.  The governing coalition holds together through a survival instinct. Greece fakes it before it makes it.

There could be no investment in Greece before the abolition of VAT, kleptocracy, impunity of kleptocrats, licensure, bribes, kickbacks, cancer of socialism, and persecution of dissident bloggers.

Greece has five classes of people: The untouchables, the drones, the clergy, the Graecoons, and the slaves.  The untouchables are the Graecokleptocrats and their kith and kin.  Nobody can touch them, because Graecokleptocrats enjoy impunity.  The drones are the public employees, who hold sinecures, whose main function is to collect bribes.  The clergy consists of thousand priests and gay bishops, whose main function is to dumb down hoi polloi and promote Graecokleptocrats.  The Graecoons are all those shipping magnates, who hold the largest commercial fleet on Earth, who bypass Graecokleptocrats.  The slaves are all hard-working hoi polloi, who are harassed to death by Graecokleptocrats and the drones.

Samaras pretends Greece is reforming, and Merkel pretends she believes him!  Nevertheless, Russell Indices reclassified Greece to an emerging from a developed market, an unprecedented step taken after a depression reduced the nation’s economy by 20 percent.  Greece is the first country Russell and MSCI have cut to emerging from developed market status.  Greece now officially belongs to Third World!

Graecokleptocrats have been ruining the cradle of kleptocracy since the end of dictatorship in 1974. All state organizations are hopelessly inefficient. Every day kleptocrats are enriching themselves and handing out sinecures and overpriced contracts to their kith and kin. Dodgy deals and scandals are frequently uncovered. Graecokleptocrats never go to jail, protected by impunity. Only scapegoats end up in jail, and the system doesn't change. Nothing will change, in fact, unless everything changes. Greek politics need a creative destruction. Greece needs either a real revolution or a real Cincinnatus now.

The economy of Greece contracted for an 18th straight quarter in a big depression. One in two Greeks is now without work. Greece’s depression, which has now entered a sixth year, has been exacerbated by Graecokleptocracy, stupidity of government, and kangaroo justice. Greece has received a quarter of a trillion euros in loan pledges from eurozone and IMF since 2010, money gone with the wind!  GDP contracted seven percent in 2012.  I expect GDP to contract another six percent this year and five percent in 2014.

Greek inflation has dipped to its lowest level since 1996. The EU-harmonized consumer inflation rate (HCPI) is negative now, deflation is here. Cuts in salaries and pensions have contributed to an internal devaluation process aimed at making the Greek economy more competitive.  Property prices dropped by twelve percent in 2012 and six percent in 2011. Property accounts for about eighty percent of household wealth in Greece, compared to seventy percent average in EU. Homes lost half of their value since their peak in 2008. Greece is in deflation territory this year with the HCPI rate dropping to minus one percent.

Samaras must break the resistance to reform of vested interests and the prevailing rent-seeking mentality of powerful pressure groups.  Most Greeks think Pasok and Nea Democratia mafias should be abolished. Relying on my own personal experience, I, Basil Venitis, confirm what major global organizations have found that Greece is the most corrupt country in Europe.  Piggish Graecokleptocrats are the shitscum of planet Earth, protected by impunity.

Graecokleptocrats use the Church of Greece as a political tool to stupefy hoi polloi.  That’s why the Greek government pays all salaries of clergy and major expenses of the Church. Malevolent Graecokleptocrats are presented to stupefied hoi polloi as a manifestation of God’s benevolence!  Most bishops form a gay club full of scandals, and they can easily be blackmailed and manipulated by Graecokleptocrats.

Following the Law of the Least Common Denominator, the whole Fourth Reich might deteriorate to the miserable level of Greece. Greece is a special basket case, because of the unbelievable stupidity and corruption of the Greek government.  Piggish Graecokleptocrats cannot be rehabilitated.  EU cannot control these freaks, who steal money and lives. They stole my life at gunpoint! Greece now is the most corrupt country of Europe with huge taxation, 23% VAT, unbearable bureaucracy and regulation, public employees demanding bribes for service, kangaroo justice, brutal police, and violent cybercops. Investing in Greece is money gone with the wind!  Prudent investors should stay far away from Greece.

Graecokleptocracy leads Greece to disaster.  Expect many declines in GDP, a chaotic default on Greek debt, leftists and fascists in power, and degradation of Greece to a Third World country.  A Greek meltdown would reverse the decades-long process of EU integration and undermine the credibility of euro.  Greece’s creditors won’t get a single euro back.

Jeremiah would agree that changing a Graecokleptocrat’s attitude and habits is as difficult as changing a leopard’s spots, mission impossible! Since the government of Greece can never be reformed, I advocate the transformation of Greek state from a single country to a confederation of city-states.  Each Greek city should be a separate state. Nothing could make Greeks happier than to see the Grand Brothel of Kleptocracy on Syntagma Square in flames! Burning the Greek parliament sounds like music in their ears! The cradle of democracy has become the cradle of kleptocracy!

The stupid measures of piggish Graecokleptocrats are killing Greeks little by little, and MPs in the Grand Brothel of Kleptocracy on Syntagma Square don't give a damn. MPs are rich, they have everything, and Greeks have nothing and are fighting for crumbs. Greek MPs are paid 8,000 euros per month and many huge fringe benefits that include free cars, free travel, rent subsidies, free luxurious healthcare, free insurance, and generous pension in just four years.  Moreover they enjoy immunity, and God only knows of their bribes and kickbacks.

Troika must first demand the abolition of impunity of Graecokleptocrats. Impunity is the real cause of all Greek problems.  Everything else appears trivial in comparison.  Do it right or don’t do it at all. But Venizelos, founder of kleptocratic impunity, resists.

Valery Giscard d'Estaing admits it was a mistake to accept Greece in the European Community, because Greece is basically an Oriental country!  Everyone should stand by their responsibilities and obligations. We cannot absolve Greece of this. If Greece doesn't feel that it is able to cope, then it needs to decide for its exit. If you are a member, you have to play by the rules.

Grexit scare fatigue is setting in. Keeping Greece in eurozone is a bit like running a marathon. Many reforms, especially of the structural kind, take time to show results, and it is easy to hit a wall when piggish Graecokleptocrats resist change. To make it to the finish line, it is crucial that Samaras and Venizelos, Laurel and Hardy of Greek politics, to keep up momentum.

Greece has become a Third World country! The government of Greece tortures hoi polloi with huge taxation, 23% VAT, infinite bureaucracy, overcriminalization, kangaroo justice, police brutality, cybercop barbarity, myriad licenses, myriad applications, infinite queues, unbelievable political corruption, myriad bribes, and infinite sadism. Only kith and kin of piggish Graecokleptocrats bypass this torture. 

Juergen Fitschen of Deutsche Bank declares Greece’s political system is unable to escape corruption.  Fitschen points out Greece is the only country, where we can say it’s a failed state, it is a corrupt state, corrupt as far as its political leadership is concerned and obviously other people had to be willing to support this.

Greece today is not a country, but a madhouse!  Greeks accumulate eggs and yogurt in order to hurl them at all Graecokleptocrats they could find, especially Venizelos of Pasok, who introduced the stupidest law on Earth which states ministers of the Greek government are immune to prosecution!  As a result of this infamous law, Graecokleptocrats cannot be prosecuted, even though Graecokleptocrats get myriad bribes. This socialist mad bulldog has transformed hoi polloi to slumdogs!

Graecokleptocrats have a long history of promising reforms and not delivering, and this time is no different. After decades of using public services as political spoils, Graecokleptocrats must also take on the corruption and inefficiency they fostered before they can implement the reforms that creditors demand before releasing further funds.

Every time Graecokleptocrats have to receive a tranche of the money we're going to have the same problem. If they keep missing targets, sooner or later they won't get the money. There is a chance this is just delaying the inevitable. Graecokleptocrats have repeatedly voted in measures and privatizations that have never materialized. It is proving a Herculean task.

With one out of two youths now out of a job and more and more families having to rely on one, trimmed down salary, social discontent is bound to become explosive. Greek mayhem is not over yet. On the contrary, this is just the beginning and we will see a huge revolt against Graecokleptocracy.

Eurozone paymaster Germany ratchets up the pressure on Graecokleptocrats, saying Fourth Reich needs action, not words. Schaeuble declares promises of Graecokleptocrats on reform are no longer good enough, because so many vows have been broken and the country, which has been a bottomless pit, has to dramatically change its ways.  Schaeuble cannot understand why Graecokleptocrats add insult to injury.

The major export of Greece is Greeks themselves, immigrating to Anglosphere and Germany, running away from kleptocracy, socialism, bureaucracy, heavy taxation, 23% VAT,  cronyism, kangaroo justice, persecution of dissident bloggers, absurdity, Pasok mafia, Nea Democratia mafia, and Orthodox mafia. Greek rabblerousers are also nabobs of nepotism.  MP Byron Polydoras used his one day as temporary speaker of a provisional parliament to hire his daughter in the parliament!  Madhouse Greece!

Greece, the land of kleptocracy, 23% VAT, and kangaroo justice, is a backward Balkan country that persecutes dissident bloggers.  The government of Greece is a freakish blogbuster and the #1 enemy of the Greek people.  That’s why Greeks evade taxes and cheat their government in any way they can.  But it’s very hard to starve this beast.  Winter of Greek Indignation.  Madhouse Greece!

Greece, the most corrupt country in Europe, is a kangaroo valley!  There is no justice, and perjurers are a dime a dozen.  Dissident bloggers are persecuted, and Graecokleptocrats enjoy impunity.  Election to a public office means a license to receive kickbacks, provide sinecures to kith and kin, terrorize Greeks, blogbusting, and do as you please.

Vice-Chancellor Philipp Roesler warns Graecokleptocrats have a choice, reforms within eurozone or no reforms and expulsion. There is no third way. Shape up or ship out, pure and simple!  The Greek government must stop violating the Lisbon Treaty.  Graecokleptocrats are ungrateful to Germans, and at some point German patience will end.  Germans are near the limit of elasticity.

Schaeuble asserts Fourth Reich needs a process that deals with sovereign insolvencies, while solidarity in the bloc has its limits. There’s been a fundamental shift in how markets view sovereign debt, and preventing contagion is a tremendous challenge. Now is the time for bold steps in Fourth Reich. Now is the time to expel those member countries which violate the Lisbon Treaty.

Atlas shrugged in the Cradle of Kleptocracy.  It’s impossible for Greeks to produce when Graecokleptocrats loot them with heavy taxes, especially the 23% VAT, demand kickbacks, confiscate computers and personal files, impose stupid laws and regulations, harass dissident bloggers, condone cybercop brutality, and spread the cancer of socialism. Madhouse Greece!

The main efforts of Greek businessmen are not in producing good products at low prices in order to increase market share and product growth, but in bribing kleptocrats, filling myriad papers, avoiding stupid regulations, avoiding and evading overtaxation and the 23% VAT, fighting stupid regulation, fighting the cancer of socialism, and avoiding myriad stupid laws. Madhouse Greece!

The Cradle of Kleptocracy should never have been allowed to join the eurozone in the first place due to its long history of kleptocracy, financial irresponsibility, and because Graecokleptocrats lied about Greece’s financial condition, sending Trojan Horses to Brussels as budgets.  But Fourth Reich's great experiment with monetary union has been propelled more by politics than economics. Once in the eurozone, Graecokleptocrats  took advantage of the stability it brought not to reform and improve competitiveness, but to increase their kickbacks, and to amass debt at low rates of interest to fund myriad sinecures in exchange for votes.

There is little beyond venting their anger on the streets that Greeks can do about it. Whatever happens as the depression unfolds, whether Greece is expelled from eurozone, years of painful reform and austerity measures to straighten out the nation's finances are unavoidable. Like the classic tragedies of ancient Greece, the players in this tragedy of modern Greece can't avoid their tragic fate.  

Painful adjustments will have to be made as Fourth Reich falls apart, PIGS are expelled, and the Anglosphere confronts a challenge to its dominance and competitiveness from rising BRICS.  Greeks need to reform their economy, abolish kleptocracy, abolish kangaroo justice, and put some Graecokleptocrats in jail, in order to have any hope of a bright future.

There is no way any prudent investor will throw a euro in the bankrupt Cradle of Kleptocracy, which is infested with blogbusters and the cancer of socialism.  More than two millennia ago, the Cradle of Democracy was the leading light of Western civilization, the Graecoroman culture. Now the Cradle of Kleptocracy is leading the way towards the decline of that civilization. It's enough to inspire a new Sophocles with a supertragedy.

One must be very stupid to invest in Greece, the land of huge bureaucracy, huge corruption, heavy taxes, 23% VAT, kangaroo justice, police brutality, cancer of socialism, and persecution of dissident bloggers.  90% of new businesses go bankrupt within a year, and survivors are harassed and looted by Graecokleptocrats.  Businessmen are treated like criminals.  Even businesses with real losses have to pay heavy taxes, subject to ridiculous pseudo-objective criteria!    

Nana Mouskouri says: The general negative atmosphere at the Greeks is justified and correct.  I’m really angry.  I feel ashamed.  Greece needs Europe.  Europe doesn’t need Greece.  All of this lifestyle, the houses, the cars, the elections, were all funded by European money.  Now Europe has the right to be angry for not getting its money back.

The anarchist symbol, an A enclosed inside a circle, is omnipresent on Athenian walls. Torch the polling booths!  Burn the parliament! Greek graffiti is due to desperation. If you have no hope for the future you try to destroy everything. Amid widespread disgust at Pasok and Nea Democratia mafias, which have taken turns ruling Greece since the country's military dictatorship ended in 1974, much of the graffiti reflects a lurch to the extremes of the political fringe.

Greek graffiti is a symptom of a society that is starting to fray at the edges. In central Athens, where graffiti sprouts like ivy, packs of stray dogs lounge in the sun and junkies openly shoot up. The facades of historic edifices have not been spared. Graffiti is everywhere. It's unpleasant, hostile and plain vandalism. Outside a city hall building in central Athens, someone has sprayed a symbolic black blindfold upon the eyes of a statue of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. An unemployed scribbled an ironic job ad: Wanted, dead or alive, Greek prime minister. No qualifications or brains required!

Police says it is pointless tackling graffiti, because it returned almost as soon as it was erased. It's like the marble on Syntagma square. The protesters rip it up and it gets replaced. But two weeks later it's torn up again. The city is waiting for stability to return, before it cleans up. Though many Greeks and tourists dislike the graffiti, it reflects the country's agony. The time Greeks live in is aggressive. Art expresses life, so it is reasonable that graffiti is aggressive. However, if there is one unifying theme in the graffiti it is despair.

The Greek depression is the result of a systemic violence imposed on the population by the political center, not the extremes. The fact that the internal devaluation increased the sovereign debt and the economy is forecast to contract by 25% by the end of 2014 is the failure of Graecokleptocracy.

A fruit and vegetable handout by generous farmers in Athens led to Athenians being trampled, calling attention to the desperate conditions in kleptocratic Greece. Hundred tons of produce were given away by farmers who were protesting high production costs.


The chaos was sparked when food stalls ran out of fruits and vegetables, prompting desperate Athenians to rush to nearby trucks. It was an every man for himself situation as the Greeks shoved their way to the trucks, competing for the food that was left. Hundred tons of food was completely gone in an hour.


These miserable images make civil society angry. Angry for a proud people who have no food to eat, who can't afford to keep warm, who can't make ends meet. The situation shows images of Athenians on the brink of despair and the sense of sadness for a proud people who have ended up in this misery. It’s a reality that many Greek citizens find hard to comprehend.
It's difficult. Greeks never imagined they would end up here. They cannot afford anything, not even at the fruit market. Everything is expensive, prices of everything are going up while their income is going down and there are no jobs. Greece, which is currently in its sixth year of depression, is experiencing 30% unemployment rate. Citizens have been forced to endure wage and pension cuts to make up for funds stolen by Graecokleptocrats.

The Greek presidency of EU must be annulled, because the kleptocratic alliance of Pasok mafia and Nea Democratia mafia cannot be trusted.  The freakish government of Greece stole my computer, my files, and my life in cold blood!  Basil Venitis,, @Venitis

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