The Commission's Task Force for Greece, a shadow government, has published its fifth activity report, covering the period April-September 2013. This period has witnessed a broadening and deepening of the technical assistance provided by the Task Force, which supports the Graecokleptocratsin implementing the economic reform agenda linked to the country’s financial assistance programme, as well as in making the best possible use of the country’s allocation of EU Structural and Cohesion funding.


Vice-President Olli Rehn, responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro, said: “While we are seeing encouraging signs of stabilization in the Greek economy and expect a return to positive growth in 2014, the situation remains very difficult for Greek citizens, not least the dramatically high numbers of unemployed. The structural reform programme is an agenda for a sustainable recovery in growth and job creation, and the Task Force for Greece is working hard to support the Greek authorities in its implementation. It is particularly encouraging to see the strong improvement in Greece’s absorption of EU funding, which is an essential source of investment at this time.”

Greek law, introduced by Venizelos, allows Greek ministers to get bribes, but it does not allow them to launder that money!  That’s why out of all these ministers who got huge bribes, only Tsochatzopoulos got in trouble!
Graecokleptocrats have long been dubbed the untouchables.  MPs cannot be touched, because they are protected by impunity, engraved in the ridiculous constitution of Greece!  However, mayors do not enjoy impunity.  MPs have received bribes and kickbacks amounting to two hundred billion euros since the end of dictatorship in 1974, and nobody can do anything about it.  A seat in the parliament comes with a robbing license.
Greece has all the right conditions for corruption: plenty of bureaucracy, kangaroo justice, laws with numerous loopholes, impunity of kleptocrats, and economic pressure.  Regarding bribes and robbing the Greek Treasury, Premier Andreas Papandreou infamously advised Graecokleptocrats: We all agree, of course, that we are allowed to give ourselves a little present from time to time, but please don't make it too large!
All Greeks know most politicians are corrupt.  Graecokleptocrats span the gamut of political corruption. Bribe is the gift bestowed to influence the recipient's conduct. Kickback is a payment to a person in a position of power or influence for having made an income possible. Embezzlement is outright theft of entrusted funds. Patronage is favoring supporters. Nepotism is favoring kin. Cronyism is favoring kith. Graft is an unscrupulous use of a politician's authority for personal gain. 
Greece is the queen of political corruption in Occident. The impunity of the 300 MPs of the Grand Brothel of Kleptocracy on Syntagma Square is the most freakish thing on Earth.  Even though Graecokleptocrats loot many billion euros in bribes and churning, Graecokleptocrats cannot go to jail!  Graecokleptocrats are protected by the parliamentary immunity, and nobody can touch them, no matter what. Moreover, they have the nerve to jail dissident bloggers.  It’s a long way from the 300 Spartans of Leonidas!  Allons enfants de la Grece! 
Michael Christoforakos, former president of the Greek subsidiary of Siemens, revealed some names of the 200 Graecokleptocrats, who shared two billion euros in kickbacks, to the prosecutor of Munich, where he escaped from Greece.  He also deposited all names with two public notaries in Munich, in case he gets murdered by agents of Graecokleptocrats.  This way he stays alive!  But the Greek government has not pressed charges against the 200 Graecokleptocrats, because they are protected by immunity and they are in power in Greece, members and ex-members of the Greek government and parliament.  You just cannot press charges against yourself!  Moreover, the Greek government does not even reveal their names for the voters to know who they are voting for.
Christoforakos also revealed the names of twenty journalists who received many million euros in hush money to keep their mouth shut about the billion euro kickbacks to the 200 Graecokleptocrats.  Needless to say, those Graecokleptocrats who did not receive kickbacks are also guilty, because they all knew about the bribery of their colleagues and said nothing about it.  The suitcases with the cash were whistling around them.  There is no way they could not hear all that loud whistling!  So, in reality we are talking about four hundred guilty people!   Since Greeks continue to vote for the same crooks again and again, they deserve what they get!
The Greek government never bothered to ask the Munich prosecutor for the Christoforakos list of 200 Graecokleptocrats who received two billion euros in bribes from Siemens. In another infamous list, SDOE is currently investigating the assets of sixty Graecokleptocrats. 

Good progress has been made in unlocking infrastructure investments. Work on four large motorways with a combined value of €7.6 billion, which has been suspended for three years due to the crisis, is close to being restarted, with EU clearance and financial support expected in the coming weeks. The Task Force has been providing advice and guidance to help kick-start the completion of these projects.


One of the most striking improvements to which the Task Force, along with other parts of the European Commission, has contributed has been Greece’s increased absorption of Structural and Cohesion Funding. Of the €20 billion currently available to Greece from the EU budget, 67.5% had been disbursed by the end of September, up from 49% at the end of 2012. Since December 2011, Greece has risen from 18th position to 6th in the EU league table of Structural Funds absorption, representing a much-needed injection of liquidity into the economy.

Greece will not be able to return to bond markets next year to plug a financing gap that will start to open up, because all fund managers are very upset of what happened to me.  IMF is concerned that if the funding gap is not dealt with swiftly, it will further erode investor confidence in Greece. 
Venizelos, leader of Pasok mafia, asked Joerg Asmussen if it was possible to reorganize figures so Greece’s fiscal gap for 2015 and 2016 appears smaller than it actually it is!  For Asmussen, these words characterize the old Greece and outdated, inefficient systems for which he fundamentally has no understanding.
The kleptocratic alliance of Pasok and Nea Democratia mafias always tries to hoodwink gullible Troika – Eurozone, IMF, ECB. 
Graecokleptocrats have learnt from experience how to siphon money from eurozone.  First, they create an enormous public debt buying votes, channeling money to secret offshore accounts of kith and kin, creating myriad sinecures for cronies and party members, churning public funds, looting the treasury, and financing many scandals.  Second, they cry wolf and ask for bailouts.  Third, they demand haircuts on debt.  Fourth, they demand new haircuts, and so it goes until a new cycle starts over again!
Lagarde is bewildered by the stupidity of Graecokleptocrats!  Some executives at Greek state enterprises have annual salaries of 300,000 euros!  Moreover, Greeks wonder why the offshore accounts of rich ministers have not been traced and why the names of hundred Graecokleptocrats who took many billions of euros in bribes have not been published.
Lagarde does not trust Graecokleptocrats, because they never apply what they vote in the Grand Brothel of Kleptocracy on Syntagma Square!  All Europeans condemn Graecokleptocrats for creating hundred state agencies and hiring many thousands of public employees, even though they promised Troika to close down all agencies and fire many public employees.  Lagarde cannot stand Venizelos, founder of kleptocratic impunity!
OSI, Official Sector Involvement in debt haircuts, is now the secret objective of Samaras and Venizelos, Laurel and Hardy of Greek politics. PSI, private sector involvement, was psychotic.  Now, OSI is ossification of Graecokleptocracy, rewarding and perpetuating political corruption.  Osification brings ossification!  There is no way Merkel would accept OSI. Ohi is the Greek word for No. Merkel said to Samaras: Ohi for OSI! 

In the area of public finances and tax collection, technical assistance has been instrumental in setting up new structures for public financial management and public revenue administration. There are signs of increased efficiency in the tax administration and the number of completed audits of large taxpayers has more than doubled over the first seven months of the year compared to 2012 (164 vs 66).


The Task Force is also working closely with the authorities to improve the quality of apprenticeships and vocational training.


Lastly, the Task Force has provided support for a national anti-corruption strategy and the appointment of a national coordinator to oversee its implementation, which is already underway. Training in identifying money laundering and tax evasion has been provided to over 500 officials. Technical assistance has supported the preparation of legislation to set up a new registry of bank accounts and helped boost the capacity of the Financial Intelligence Unit (the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism funding authority). This has resulted in the reporting of 1130 cases of suspected tax evasion, the transmission of 313 cases to the Prosecutor´s Office and freezing of assets worth €133 million.

Samaras hoodwinks about Graecovery, but grexit is very probable.  Samaras just fakes it before he makes it! The nature of economic activity in Greece suggests that growth is just a pipe dream.  The few investments in the private sector are trivial. There are very small numbers, insufficient to stimulate growth across the economy.
Furthermore, any lending to big companies in Greece isn’t being matched by loans to small companies or households. Borrowing costs for Greek SMEs remain far higher than the rest of eurozone.  Credit to the private sector continues to contract.
Greek banks face a long road before they have healthy balance sheets and are willing and able to lend. Furthermore, the business operating environment in Greece remains unattractive because of high levels of red tape, huge regulatory burden, huge political corruption, impunity of kleptocrats, an opaque legal system, political mafias, a slow and corrupt judiciary, and persecution of dissident bloggers.
These grim prospects for economic growth are accompanied by extreme social strain, such as unemployment rate of 30%.  There are two million Greeks that are out of work, half-million families that have nobody earning an income, half-million workers whose employers have not paid them for months.  Most Greeks are finding it difficult to make ends meet and most young people try to find their future away from Greece.  The governing coalition holds together through a survival instinct. Greece fakes it before it makes it.
There could be no investment in Greece before the abolition of VAT, kleptocracy, impunity of kleptocrats, licensure, bribes, kickbacks, cancer of socialism, and persecution of dissident bloggers.
Greece has five classes of people: The untouchables, the drones, the clergy, the Graecoons, and the slaves.  The untouchables are the Graecokleptocrats and their kith and kin.  Nobody can touch them, because Graecokleptocrats enjoy impunity.  The drones are the public employees, who hold sinecures, whose main function is to collect bribes.  The clergy consists of thousand priests and gay bishops, whose main function is to dumb down hoi polloi and promote Graecokleptocrats.  The Graecoons are all those shipping magnates, who hold the largest commercial fleet on Earth, who bypass Graecokleptocrats.  The slaves are all hard-working hoi polloi, who are harassed to death by Graecokleptocrats and the drones.
Samaras pretends Greece is reforming, and Merkel pretends she believes him!  Nevertheless, Russell Indices reclassified Greece to an emerging from a developed market, an unprecedented step taken after a depression reduced the nation’s economy by 20 percent.  Greece is the first country Russell and MSCI have cut to emerging from developed market status.  Greece now officially belongs to Third World!
Graecokleptocrats have been ruining the cradle of kleptocracy since the end of dictatorship in 1974. All state organizations are hopelessly inefficient. Every day kleptocrats are enriching themselves and handing out sinecures and overpriced contracts to their kith and kin. Dodgy deals and scandals are frequently uncovered. Graecokleptocrats never go to jail, protected by impunity. Only scapegoats end up in jail, and the system doesn't change. Nothing will change, in fact, unless everything changes. Greek politics need a creative destruction. Greece needs either a real revolution or a real Cincinnatus now.

Well-targeted and appropriately resourced technical assistance plays an important role in supporting the necessary reforms of the Greek economy, as does the continued commitment and determination of Graecokleptocrats.


Going forward, the Task Force considers that technical assistance will be particularly important in the following three areas in order to support Greece’s economic recovery:

1.           Supporting the sound functioning of the tax administration, to enable the Greek authorities to increase public revenues and achieve a fairer distribution of the tax burden.

2.           Taking forward the reform of central government ministries and entities, to build a public administration that is better able to serve the needs of citizens and companies and with the capacity to support the implementation of reform efforts.

3.           Helping to create a supportive and predictable business environment, because growth and job creation depend on thriving companies with access to liquidity and markets and able to seize new commercial opportunities.


The Task Force for Greece was launched on 20 July 2011 with the mandate to identify and coordinate the technical assistance that Graecokleptocrats have requested in order to deliver commitments undertaken in its economic adjustment programme. It also works to accelerate the absorption of EU funds in order to sustain economic growth, competitiveness and employment.


This initiative was supported by the European Council on 21 July 2011, which stated that "…Member States and the Commission will immediately mobilise all resources necessary in order to provide exceptional technical assistance to help Greece implement its reforms…"


The Task Force began its work three months later. Today, it coordinates technical assistance across 12 broad policy domains, each comprising a number of specific projects: acceleration of cohesion policy projects; financial institutions/access to finance; administrative reform; budget and taxation; anti-money laundering and anti-corruption; business environment; health reform; judicial reform; labour market, social security, innovation and education; asylum and migration; privatisation and land registry; and network industries and services.


It reports to President Barroso and works under the political guidance of Vice-President Olli Rehn. The Head of the Task Force, Horst Reichenbach, reports regularly on progress to Graecokleptocrats and to the Commission.


The Task Force consists of around 60 staff and is based jointly in Brussels and Athens.  Many Member States – notably France, Germany and the Netherlands – have also made large numbers of senior experts and officials available, often assuming the full costs of this contribution.



EU practices double standards in civil rights.  It’s freakish for EU to interfere in the civil rights of foreigners, but condone the abuse of my civil rights, a citizen of EU!  EU should get its own house in order and quit lecturing others.

It’s been now three years since the freakish Greek government stole my life, my computer, and my files.  Nobody cares, nobody gives a damn!  I have done absolutely nothing, and I am being persecuted by the Greek government without any reason.  This is against all rules of civil society and treaties that Greece has signed.

On October 18, 2010, a gang of six brutal policemen of the violent Greek Cyber Crime Unit (CCU) broke into my home in Athens and stole my computer, software, files, documents, and personal data.

The policechimps locked me in jail for a night, they humiliated me with handcuffs, fingerprints, mug shots, and lies, leaked false information to the media parrots, and the fucking Greek government initiated sham ex-officio court proceedings for a stack of stupid fictitious freakish charges!

There was neither pillow nor toilet facility in my jail cell. I had to urinate in a bottle!  I, a 68 years old with high blood pressure, was not allowed to keep my hypertension pills with me. There was neither toilet paper nor soap in the whole CCU jail.




Ex-officio law suit, autepageltos αυτεπαγγελτος, the most dreadful word in justice, means the state sues somebody without involvement of the accuser.  This terrible scheme has been used by the freakish Greek government to persecute me.  Mariliza Xenogiannakopoulou, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs, sued me, and she wouldn’t show up in court, because the state took over her position!

At the ex-officio law suit, the accuser just hits and runs!  This hit-and-run justice is the most disgusting kangaroo justice on Earth.  In all civilized nations, the accused is in a position to face his accuser eyeball to eyeball, but not in Greece, a failed state. The fucking accuser slings false accusations against you, the freakish state takes over, the accuser disappears from the kangaroo court, and the trial is postponed infinite times!,

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