By Beppe Grillo

IMU, IVA, TARSU, TASI, TARES, TRISE. These are arid acronyms that ordinary citizens have difficulty in grasping. And yet the political struggle is based on these acronyms and the media spotlights are continuously shining on them. And there are other terms, not very obvious, that no one knows about: compared to the above, they have an impact on our economy that is a hundred times greater. Even so, nobody talks about them. They are hidden in the last few pages of the newspapers and Parliament deals with them without letting even a single discussion leak out, without any explanation, without any apparent exchange of political ideas, whether vehement or otherwise. They are in the dictionary of Brussels, under the heading "Europe has asked us to do this". They’re called ESM, LTRO, Fiscal Compact, Redemption Fund... They are the fruit of the religion of austerity, and are worth hundreds of billions of euro. They remove every last drop of sovereignty from each State that takes them on and they oblige the governments to avoid investing in spending on social welfare and on the real economy.

Thanks to the  Fiscal Compact we are condemned to having to find 50 billion a year, via taxes and cuts, for twenty years. Thanks to the ESM, we have already paid out 15 billion euro (that now a private organization is paradoxically investing in German shares, financing the economy of those that call us PIGS) and we have racked up debts of another 125 billion, just to calm down the foreigners holding our State bonds.

 These are such large figures they make you dizzy. On its own this money could restart our economy. This money could give a breathing space to our companies. It could turn our country into a flourishing State. It could mean that, for a few years, we could do without taxes like IMU or we could do without having to increase the IVA Value added Tax. And yet no one knows what they are. No one has got information about them. Every debate has been ruled out. We have signed blank cheques, cheques that the payee can fill in with any figure they choose, but the focus of public discussion is constantly directed elsewhere. They oblige us to sort out the crumbs while most of the loaf of bread is being devoured elsewhere.

ESM - European Stability Mechanism, also called the Rescue Fund for States, is a Ponzi scheme treaty approved in July 2012. The media announced its existence on page 7 with 5 lines of text on the following day. It obliges us to make an advance payment of 15 billion euro to an organization based in Luxembourg (and this ends up financing the welfare state in Germany).

We are committed to paying out a further 125 billion euro if there should happen to be any worsening of the crisis. We are committed to getting into debt without limit at the discretion of the Board of Directors of a financial organisation over which our Parliament, now and in the future, has no control and not even the possibility to read its internal documentation. And if it turns out there’s a need? Basically, if we were to ask to be saved?

The ESM would just give us the benefit of being able to get further into debt by having a loan at market rates. So basically it’s an insurance policy that has a premium but if you happen to have a crash, instead of paying out, it allows you to take on further debts to pay off the mechanic.   Even Guarino has defined the Fiscal Compact to be the  outcome of tricks, fiddles, abuses and unlawful acts.

The Greek presidency of EU must be annulled, because the kleptocratic alliance of Pasok mafia and Nea Democratia mafia cannot be trusted.  The freakish government of Greece stole my computer, my files, and my life in cold blood!  Basil Venitis,,, @Venitis

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