Foster Bobski

Hello Brockley! We are looking for a loving family with a garden to take care of our cat for the medium term. We are long term Brockley residents, but are taking a work related long term stint in Costa Rica. Unfortuately, our beloved Bobski cannot join us and we are looking to re-home him for the length of our stay. We are likely to return to London in the next 6-9 months. We are hoping to find  a family that, perhaps, is looking to get a cat and can look after Bobski as a "tryout period" while we are away.

Bobski is a wonderful cat. He is very easy going, and perfectly at ease in most environments. He is playful, loving, self sufficient and adventurous. If you have any mice he is the MAN! He caught over five mice in his first week with us. He is a Celia Hammond rescue cat and a true Brockley Gent. Please, Brockley! We implore you, look after our cat, the though of passing him on for good breaks our heart. We need a new home for him by mid November, although we are looking to finalise an arrangement ASAP. Please get in touch at

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