Charlemagne Youth Prize: Occasion to brainwash kids about Europe

This year's brainwashed winners (from left): Kathrin Renner, Luis Alvarado Martínez, Anne-May Kaldoja and Katarzyna Siennicka

Though commissioners are supposed to do different things, they all do one single thing, spinning EU propaganda.  So in reality, Fourth Reich has 28 commissioners of propaganda, 28 Goebbelses!   Like Joseph Goebbels of Third Reich, they frequently deliver speeches on the benefits of Fourth Reich, but never about the costs.  Their disgusting daily propaganda costs many billions of euros, and it adds insult to injury.

I consider the European Union null and void confederation, because Europeans did not vote for any constitutional treaty!  Eurokleptocrats pulled off the biggest powergrab in history by imposing a camouflaged constitution, bypassing all nonos. The Nazi dream for Europe was finally fullfilled - ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer - one people, one empire, one leader. 
The Lisbon Treaty is Eurokleptocracy's Pyrrhic victory. It created a confederation, Fourth Reich, without a popular foundation. EU lacks legitimacy among Europeans. Eurokleptocrats created a situation where the citizens of slave States live their lives with a resigned feeling that the EU project is not their own.  
Fourth Reich is an illegal confederation that has no voted constitution, a flag no one salutes, an anthem no one sings, a Fuehrer no one can name, a parliament of prostitutes, a capital of huge bureaucracy no one controls, a currency that soon will not exist, rules of fiscal behavior that no member has been penalized for ignoring, a commission which is the Eldorado of corruption, brutal cybercops, and kleptocrats galore!  Ode to Joy is the anthem of Fourth Reich. It is based on the final movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony, and it’s used without lyrics. 
Many young people still believe strongly in Europe. Every year the EP awards the Charlemagne Youth Prize to honour projects run by young people to foster understanding and promote the European identity. This year's winners visited the Parliament on 16 and 17 October to present their projects to the culture committee and meet president Martin Schulz.
Who won in 2013?

The first prize went to the Spanish website project "Europe on track", represented by Luis Alvarado Martínez and Kathrin Renner: "We tried to bring Europe to students, interviewing them about how they see Europe in 2020."

The Polish "Discover Europe" photo contest project picked up the second prize. "By showing pictures of Europe, we enable people to see it in a new light," said Katarzyna Siennicka.

The third prize was given to the Estonian exchange project "Story of my life", which aims to forge closer links between young Europeans and elderly Estonians.

Getting your message across

The winners praised the prize for highlighting projects that promote Europe. Mr Martínez said: "This prize is the occasion to bring a fresh and positive message about Europe." Anne-May Kaldoja, a represenative of the "Story of My Life" added: "It shows that Europe is not only about big countries."

A stepping stone to the future

Both "Europe on track" and "Discover Europe" are now working on propaganda documentaries.

Are you the next one to be brainwashed?

Are you part of a project promoting Europe among young people? A new edition of the Charlemagne youth prize starts on 24 October.

The Eldorado of Prostitutes (EP) dishes out myriad euros to aid an online campaign to skew public opinion in its favor. Funds are pumped into defending the EU on social networking sites. Nigel Farage says the move is madness. He believes this is a sign of fear and the Eurozone’s utter denial of economic and political realities.

EU officials are turned into secret agents with a trolling mission on the internet. The organization of the Eldorado of Prostitutes, which decides how resources are spent, has trained in-house staff in the run-up to the European elections of 2014 to go online, look at Facebook, Twitter, and popular blogs, such as themostsearched, and to pseudocorrect any misapprehensions that may exist about the European Union. The fact that it’s the Eldorado of Prostitutes using taxpayers’ money to do this says a lot about EU institutions. The whole point about parliaments is that the person who sits in the chair of the parliament – he’s the speaker in Westminster; he’s the chairman in other parliaments around the world – all other staff is supposed to be neutral; they are not supposed to take any political position at all.

Farage laments the fact that the Eldorado of Prostitutes (EP) spends money, time, and resources on doing this shows you, frankly, that EU is no better than a banana republic. This is the sort of thing Mugabe would do. Farage thinks many people outside will be shocked by it. Having worked there himself for 13 years, Farage is not surprised at all. They are really scared that from north to south, from east to west, citizens are saying “We’ve never voted for this thing to become the United States of Europe. We’ve never asked for the majority of our laws to be made somewhere else and we want to do something about it.” So, they are scared and they are fighting back.



Whenever the European Commission (EC) does something very stupid, it calls it smart.  Smart has become a European euphemism for very stupid!  EC declares the Youth Guarantee is smart.  This means Youth Guarantee is very stupid!  It just creates Barroso gulags for neets, those not in employment, education, or training.


Since there are no jobs, Youth Guarantee means most youth will be concentrated to college campuses.  Transforming colleges to concentration camps of morons, Barroso gulags, is a very stupid idea!  Barroso can take his gulags and shove them.


Erasmus, EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students, is the most disgusting program to brainwash students with EU propaganda. Each year, a quarter of a million college students study abroad thanks to the Erasmus program, squandering billions of taxpayers’ hard-earned euros. There are no qualification requirements, and many bad students participate for free dolce vita abroad. This is money gone with the wind.  This is not free education, but a free dolce vita to buy votes in future referendums for more integration of EU.

The Greek presidency of EU must be annulled, because the kleptocratic alliance of Pasok mafia and Nea Democratia mafia cannot be trusted.  The freakish government of Greece stole my computer, my files, and my life in cold blood!  Basil Venitis,, @Venitis

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