Fried Mushroom Dumplings (Cucur Cendawan Tiram)

My hubby & son thought it is shrimp dumplings and they cannot tell that it is mushroom filling! Indeed it taste as nice as shrimp dumplings!

By: Roz@HomeKreation 
+/-500g Flour
Oyster Mushroom - tear into smaller pieces
1 Red Chili*
1 Big onion* (*sliced)
1/2 tsp Turmeric Powder
Water sufficiently

1. Mix all ingredients with water until you achieve the required consistency.
2. Heat up a lot of oil in a wok.
Drop a tbsp of the mixture at a time & fry until cooked.
Make sure you flip the dumplings frequently to ensure evenly cooked.
Once cooked, lift the dumplings into a bowl lined with kitchen paper to drain excess oil. 
3. Serve with chili sauce.

Kali ni Along letak cendawan tiram ke dalam cucur.... hubby & UusRaz ingat cucur udang sebab rasa cendawan tu yg manis2 & kenyal. Sedap tau cucur cendawan ni.....

+/-500g Tepung Gandum
Cendawan Tiram - koyak2an
1 bj Cili Merah*
1 bj Bwg Besar (*hiris)
1/2 st Serbuk Kunyit
Air secukupnya

1. Campurkan kesemua bahan dgn air secukup nya - agak2 supaya tidak terlalu pekat/cair.
2. Panaskan minyak yg banyak & sudukan adunan kedlm minyak.
Goreng & balik2kan selalu sehingga masak.
Angkat & toskan di atas kertas tisu, di dalam mangkuk.
3. Hidangkan dgn sos cili.

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