Independence Day '09: The Grand Parade

(This is a first of posts on the Independence Day 2009 events)
What an awesome day we've had celebrating our country's freedoms. We started the day early staking out good seats for Provo's Freedom Festival Grand Parade, an annual event that gathered 150-200K spectators.

The parade was fantastic featuring: floats; Miss Provo & court; marching bands from the high schools across Utah County; military vets, ROTC, and active duty as well as an array of past and present combat vehicles; baby contest winners; BYU President Samuelson as well as the Cougarettes; our year-old Utah Valley University and UVU flight school, multiple Scottish bands with bagpipes in full regalia; police, fire, and public disposal depts; equestrians and llamas; Uncle Sam; LDS Elder and Sister missionaries; and perhaps our favorite: a virtual "who's who" of Utah politics.

First on the political scene was the tallest of America's Senators, 6' 6" Junior Senator Bennett walking at a brisk rate wearing a cowboy hat adding to his height, waving to the crowd. He seemed fit enough to race in the 5K and 10K Freedom Run held just before the start of the Parade. Bennett is a great asset to the conservative movement and a friend to Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney.

Then came Gary Herbert, our Lt. Governor who will assume the Governorship as the Senate moves sometime this summer to confirm our current Governor Huntsman in the role of Ambassador to China. Herbert, an Orem native, will likely be an even better governor than Huntsman.

Next came Senator Hatch who has led so many valiant fights, particularly on the Judiciary Committee, on getting nominees who won't legislate from the bench on our Supreme Court.

Also in the parade were our own--the great--US Rep. Jason Chaffetz who didn't drive by close enough for a picture, our Utah County Comissioner Larry Ellertson, our retiring mayor Lewis Billings, and our Provo City Councilmembers including our own Sherrie Hall Everett. What an awesome display of patriotic power!

Before the parade was the balloon fest featuring a dozen or two balloons including this piggy bank from Bank of American Fork which looked to themostsearched more like the Porkulous spending bill passed the Democrats this spring complete with Obama's face on it. (Who says you can't put lipstick on a pig?)

We enjoyed the parade and want to thank all the many volunteers who helped put together the event. We are also grateful for the friendly crowd gathered from around the county who all squished together and got along just fine during the 2hr parade and few hours beforehand. We enjoyed the mood and each other.

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