Nancy Pelosi Recieves Political Opprobruim Onus

themostsearched formally denounces Nancy Pelosi for her scandalous and ignominious responses to the inquires into her knowledge of CIA enhanced interrogations. She has accused the CIA of lying to Congress but has yet to present an iota of evidence to support her claims. That she didn't know about these techniques makes no sense: as House Intelligence Committee Member, she should have known.

themostsearched agrees with former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on the remedy for Ms. Pelosi's scurvy behavior as follows: "...provide the proof that the CIA has been regularly lying, or apologize on the floor of the House to the CIA and the country, or be removed from office." As Ms. Pelosi has failed to do any of three logical choices, themostsearched affirms her recipient of themostsearched's Political Opprobrium Onus.

This Onus is reserved for politicians who so egregiously violate ethical norms of honesty and trust that themostsearched has withdrawn all respect and confidence in that politician's ability to govern for the benefit of the country. Once the Onus is bestowed, that politician is blacklisted as corrupt and cannot be removed until (and if ever) the politician makes adequate public penance to have the Onus removed. Some examples of past Onuses:
  • Bill Clinton lying under oath in court during a sexual harassment investigation including a debate over the definition of the word "is"

  • Ted Kennedy abandoning his companion Ms. Kopechne to die in his submerged car as a result of his reckless driving--and never seeking emergency assistance for her

  • Joe Biden plagiarizing his 1987 speech and lying over his law school record

  • Richard Nixon covering up the Watergate break-in

Rep. Rob Bishop from our home state got a vote in Congress to establish a committee of two Republicans and two Democrats to investigate Pelosi's claims, but the Democrats voted this down today. So much for Pelosi's declared "spirit of partnership, not partisanship" she heralded on assuming the Speaker position.

In issuing this Onus, themostsearched reaffirms the need for honesty and accountability in our politicians of all parties. How can we be led to safety and prosperity when our leaders like Ms. Pelosi lie to us? They have violated our trust and should be quickly removed and replaced.

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