Littleton-Griswold Grant Recipients Announced

The American Historical Association has announced this year’s recipients of the Littleton-Griswold Grants, which are awarded “to support research in US legal history and in the general field of law and society”:

Heather Lee, Brown University, for “The Right to Enter: Chinese Restaurant Owners, U.S. Immigration Laws, and the Federal Courts, 1894-1945.”

Sara Damiano, Johns Hopkins University, for “Gender, Law, and the Culture of Credit in New England, 1730-1790.”

Moira Gillis, University of Oxford, for “The Evolution of the Colonial American Corporation under the Stuart and Hanoverian Crowns: 1606-1763.”

Ryan Johnson, University of Minnesota
, for “Enemies of the State: Knowing, Producing, and Policing Anarchism in the Making of the Modern American National Security State, 1901-1921.”

Michael Schoeppner, California Institute of Technology
, for “The Moral Contagion of Liberty: Black Atlantic Sailors, Citizenship, and Quarantine in the Antebellum United States.”

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