
I just made an interesting commit (if you're into commits, that is) to my branch with changes related to SDL 1.3 support. Main changes are:
  • Finally got rid of the SDL compat layer! (I'm still using it for the mod_key/libkey modules, but I'm not compiling those for the devices).
  • Updated sample bennugd code to include a bouncing PNG.
  • Modes set with scale_resolution and normal seem to redraw the screen fine (although the screen pixel format is not yet correct).
  • Orientation is starting to get set automatically now (there are things to fix yet, though). If width>height, the iOS device will default to a landscape configuration.
  • Other minor changes.
As you might know, in order to use SDL (upon which BennuGD relies) in iOS and Android platforms, you have to use SDL 1.3*, which is the development version of SDL and includes a somewhat major API breakage as compared to SDL 1.2. SDL provides a very buggy 1.2 <-> 1.3 compatibility layer which I just got rid of. Getting rid of it and using the new code allows for better integration with the new platforms and allows us to implement things not possible in SDL 1.2 like multitouch, multi-monitor support, advanced UTF-8 input support....
There are still some bugs I must fix before releasing a new binary, but things are progressing nicely.
When I release the new binary it will most probably also include a new version of mod_chipmunk and maybe a module for handling multitouch that I just began drafting a few days ago.

* Unless you want to use unofficial versions of SDL 1.2, which I don't for different reasons.

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