Malay Banana Pancake with Brown Coconut Filling (Lempeng Pisang Inti Kelapa Gula Merah)

 This is yesterday's Iftar menu, something quick but delicious and healthy..... The banana leaf aroma being grilled was very tantalising when you are fasting....hehe. My pancake was very nice yellow in colour because I used overripe Horn Banana which was bright colour, hence no coloring added.
 No real recipe is actually needed as that is the way it is being prepared in old days by my Emak --> simply add the ingredients to the gut feel but guarantee no failure. Below was just a rough guide how I made mine. You can also refer to another version which I shared earlier in here.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
1 Overripe Horn Banana - mashed 
1 scoop Flour
2 tbsp Condensed Milk
2 tbsp Sugar (can skip if using sweeter bananas) 
1/2 tsp Salt
Brown Coconut Filling (Grated Coconut + Palm Sugar)
Banana Leaf

Mix all well.
Spread thinly on a piece of banana leaf.
Spread coconut filling on top of banana mixture.
Fold in the middle & place on a griddle.
Flip & cook on the other side once it get browned.
Slice into smaller pieces when served.

Ini menu berbuka puasa kelmarin. Along sempat juga buat Mee Jawa (tengok mangkuk kat belakang dlm gambar kat bawah) tapi tak sempat nak snap gambo Mee Jawa sbb org kat rumah ni dah tak bleh nak tunggu, so bayang2kan lah sendiri ya...hehehe tapi semua menu kelmarin sedap2 banget (sedap sbb lapo kot...). Resipi ni agak2 sahaja untuk panduan anda semua tetapi jgn risau sbb resipi ni gerenti menjadi walaupun resepi hanya agak2 & tidak perlu sukatan tepat. Dulu Along ada tunjuk Lempeng Pisang tapi ada kelainan sedikit dari yg ini, boleh rjuk kat sini.

1 biji Pisang Tanduk masak ranum - lecek
1 senduk Tepung
2 sb Susu Pekat
2 sb Gula (boleh kurang jika guna pisang yg lebih manis) 
1/2 st Garam
Inti Kelapa Parut + Gula Merah
Daun Pisang

Campurkan bahan2 sehingga sebati.
Ratakan ke atas sekeping daun pisang & ratakan inti kelapa di atas nya.
Lipat dua & bakara atas kuali leper.
Balikkan apabila telah masak di bahagian sebelah nya.
Masak sehingga perang & garing di luar.
Potong kecil sewaktu menghidang.

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