Week 36

Friday was positively the most beautiful day we have had for months!  The construction activity at the temple site was phenomenal; three canes lifting steel into place, a giant concrete pump pouring the second floor of the temple, and the welders busy placing steel for the roof and the architectural details around the corners of the temple.

While I was taking these photos of the temple, I was overwhelmed with a  feeling of missing out being involved with the construction of this great building.  The construction details fascinate me and this temple seems to be the center of the universe right now.  I wonder if the construction workers know how eternally significant this building is?  I suspect they don't, since I have seen many of them over on the corner by Smith's lighting up.

I will just have to content myself watching this singular event.

Floating the concrete on the second floor

I figured out why this top window on the Southeast corner of the temple is bigger than all the rest.  It's an access door to the area behind the architectural details.

This guy is a hundred feet off the ground.  I'm glad he's got a harness.

This guy is controlling the boom of the concrete pump with a radio control
Here is the boom controller again

One of the sets of stairs at each corner of the temple

This boom is delivering concrete for the second floor of the temple
Three pieces of steel at a time for the temple

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