American lemmings vote for Republicans or Decocrats

Two major parties in every Western country try to commoditize all voters, transforming them to vegetables in the center field!  Rabblerousers gravitate to two dominant parties running for the center, trying to offend as few people as possible. This produces a groupthink where everybody avoids the issues when they're running for office. Most Westerners are disappointed in both major parties. They're hungry for a new approach, a new party, truly committed to substantive ideas, and not just to getting elected and focusing on their particular election cycles. 

Lemmings are Arctic rodents of poor eyesight, which can drown en masse. American lemmings vote for Republicans or Decocrats.  Europeans behave like lemmings when they masochistically vote for kleptocrats. British lemmings vote for Whigs or Tories. Greek lemmings vote for Pasok or Nea Democratia. Eurolemmings rely on the spinmill of Brussels bromides. Are you a lemming? Are you a victim of taxation and kleptocracy? It's time for soulsearching and vision examination.
Citizens who want the government out of their wallets, their bedrooms, their businesses, and their lives must vote for libertarians. Only libertarians try to minimize government and maximize individual liberty. It's not a shame to lose an election, but it's a shame to compromise your values in order to win an election. Obsession with polls is a sign of weak soul. The two major parties are willing to say anything and promise everything in order to win an election. Of course, after the election most promises are conveniently forgotten. The two major parties need an awakening call.

Four Libertarians running for state legislature in New Jersey will give voters a choice on Nov. 5 to vote to lower taxes and expand personal freedom.

Patrick McKnight takes on two Republican and two Democratic opponents in the state Assembly race in the 16th District. He wants to use that authority to cut both state and federal government down to size.

"New Jersey was the crossroads of the American Revolution," McKnight said. "Yet today we are the most overtaxed, over-legislated citizens in the country. We deserve better."

Pointing out that, today, total New Jersey government debt and liability has reached $282 billion, or $90,000 per family living in the state, McKnight argued that it's time to stop spending money that the state does not have.

"Our politicians sidestep laws that require legislative approval of deficit spending," McKnight said. "We must put an end to it."

As a former history teacher, McKnight aims to take on the public schools, which he said spend the lion's share of the state budget yet "fail to teach children the necessary skills" to be successful in the modern world.

McKnight supports banning red-light cameras, restoring Second Amendment rights in the state that has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, and eliminating the federal Transportation Security Administration that has a large presence in New Jersey.

"Our families should be able to travel freely without illegal harassment from the TSA," McKnight said. "The TSA is invasive and indecent. It has no constitutional jurisdiction."

McKnight recommends fighting the TSA from the New Jersey Assembly by invoking the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, under which states have the right to fight authority that the federal government has unconstitutionally attributed to itself.

McKnight also aims to introduce the Liberty Preservation Act, which nullifies provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 and other federal laws that authorize indefinite detention.

Three Libertarian candidates in the 14th District propose to eliminate or drastically cut whole categories of taxes to make New Jersey much friendlier for business.

The team is led by Don DeZarn, a veteran of the War in Afghanistan, who is running for the New Jersey state Senate on the promise of putting the power of government "back where it actually belongs, with the citizens, as our Founding Fathers intended it to be."

DeZarn called for reducing taxes, as well as eliminating burdensome regulations and bureaucracy that stifle entrepreneurship. He believes that corporate welfare policies that offer incentives to big companies to move to New Jersey are not only bad economics, but also "a slap in the face" to small business owners who must compete with those getting taxpayer-funded subsidies.

DeZarn intends to go after laws that drive up state spending.

"Just like you and me, our government must live within its means," DeZarn argued. "We simply can't keep spending money we don't have. Much of the money our government spends each year is through enforcing needless laws and regulations that hold back our free-enterprise system and severely limit the growth of private businesses, especially small, locally owned ones."

DeZarn believes that Americans should be free to educate their children as they see fit and marry whom they love. DeZarn has also been an outspoken critic of marijuana prohibition, calling for its repeal.

Sean O'Connor is running for one of the two state Assembly seats in the 14th District. One of his main goals is to lower the tax burden of state residents.

"The top issue in New Jersey is the astronomically high property taxes," O'Connor noted. "Neither the Republican nor the Democratic candidates have a solution to the problem."

According to O'Connor, the Libertarian team is offering a four-step plan that will help lower the property tax without increasing any other taxes. The plan provides for a freeze on spending and tax rates by all local governments in the Garden State, eliminating all unfunded mandates that the state imposes on local government, cutting wasteful spending, and consolidation of all local government on the county level.

"New Jersey has the fifth-highest income tax. We also have the highest property tax, and the highest per capita debt in America," O'Connor said. "It's no wonder more people left the state of New Jersey last year than any other state."

Rounding out the 14th District team is Steven Uccio, a staunch advocate for small government, who is running for the second Assembly seat.

"I think I can sum up the Libertarian mindset with three values: personal freedom, personal responsibility, and adherence to the Constitution," he said. "We want the government to do the most basic of things."

There can be no growth without abolishing huge regulation, huge taxation, and huge political corruption.  Basil Venitis,,, @Venitis


themostsearched is a new libertarian paradigm which integrates politics, economics, ethics, and spirituality:

Black Hole: Taxation is armed robbery that feeds the black hole of political corruption; it's the perfect index of corruption and tyranny. Only evil governments tax citizens and companies.

Constitution: The only purpose of a constitution is to protect citizens from government abuse. Reform treaties of a confederation, such as the Lisbon Treaty of EU, not voted by the citizens are null and void.

Corruption: Political corruption is proportional to the square of the size of the government.

Democracy: Every democracy is eventually hijacked by rabblerousers, pullpeddlers, clans of kleptocrats, bumptious bugaboos, busybodies, butterbabies, nabobs of nepotism, cranks of cronyism, pusillanimous pussyfooters, riffraffs of rascals, socialist sophists, and Machiavellian mafiosi. Democracy tends to kleptocracy. Anarchy should replace democracy.

Depression: Only governments can cause economic depressions and funny money. Lower tax rates, a reduction in the burden of government, and elimination of kleptocracy and VAT are the only way to boost growth.

Education: There is no direct relationship between education and schooling. You might be schooled but uneducated, and you might be educated but unschooled. Schools are concentration camps for the drones of society.  Unschooling is much better than schooling. Internet is the best source of knowledge and information, replacing schools, libraries, media, parliaments, and postoffice.

Environment: The best way to save the environment is vasectomy.  Deadly viruses are Gaia's antibiotics against the cancer of overpopulation.

Equality: Death is the only equalizer. Egalitarianism brings death to society, transforming citizens to zombies.

Evolution: The ultimate phase of human evolution is the complete domination of soul.

Faith: Faith is retarded thinking that keeps you away from God.  You have to become faithless, in order to start your journey to God!  You have to discover God your own way without intermediaries. God's truth should replace faith.  You might discover that God is the universe!

Government: The only purpose of government is to protect citizens from criminals. Public services, central banks, and fiat money should be abolished.

Heroism: Entrepreneurs, innovators, anarchists, and heretics are the real heroes.

Insurance: Citizens with proper individual retirement accounts and health savings accounts should be allowed to opt out of State Insurance.

Intervention: Any government intervention deteriorates an existing trend. Laissez-faire is the only progressive policy.

Laws:  All laws that citizens are required to know should not exceed 300 pages of type size 12.  When a new law is born, another law must die.

Legislature: Parliaments should be abolished, because they continuously create laws that enslave citizens, constrain economic activity, loot producers, reward drones, and encourage political corruption.

Misery: Throwing money to misery brings more misery.

Money: A deluge of fiat money brings financial plague and haemorrhage of economy. Real money is tied up to precious metals and strategic metals.

Patriotism: Patriotism is addiction to local hysteria.

Privacy:  Nobody, including your government, has the right to break into your home, your land, your accounts, your computer, your files, and your secrets.  You have the natural right to protect your privacy from intruders.  Molon Labe!

Property: Governments should not own or regulate any property, including electromagnetic waves. The first individual who improves or cultivates any unclaimed property is entitled to that property.  Governments cannot own, allocate, regulate, or manipulate frequency fields and media. Eminent domain is null and void.

Religion: Religion is spiritual slavery. Church is the business of religion. Religious monopoly turns bishops to ayatollahs, and churches to Sodom and Gomorrah.  Spirituality, pantheism, and metaphysics should replace religion. Most scientists are pantheists!

Selfownership: You own your body and your soul, and nobody should dictate what you take in and what you take out. Speech, education, heresy, habeas corpus, military service, mating, healthcare, food, abortion, cloning, drugs, guns, and euthanasia should be personal choices.

Style: Your soul needs to resonate with mighty words and unique acts that express your style and destiny. Your government cannot dictate your language, your words, and your culture. Resonate now and sing your song!

System: The most efficient political system is anarchy, where everything is private, there are no taxes at all, there is no government, and there is no parliament.

Taxes: Taxes destroy the economy. Raising tax rates is masochism. Smart stimulus is to cut tax rates. Stupidus stimulus is to increase spending, which stimulates the cancer of statism!

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