Tories call for investigation of Labour's Lewisham Deptford selection

The Unite / Labour controversy is threatening to envelop the Lewisham Deptford, following the recent selection of Unite worker Vicky Foxcroft as Labour's candidate for the safe seat in the next election. The Daily Mail reports that:

Scotland Yard was today asked to investigate fresh claims of law-breaking over union influence in the Labour party. The scandal deepened today as the Tories called on the Met Police to investigate allegations of orchestrated behaviour by Unite in Ilford North and Lewisham Deptford...

The letter [from Tory Vice-Chairman Bob Neill] also points to claims from a London Labour activist Mandy Richards that Unite is ‘bankrolling’ a number of ‘orchestrated’ campaigns. She singles out Lewisham Deptford for 'special attention'. Mr Neill says the activities, if true, could be in breach of the Fraud Act 2006 under the terms of ‘false misrepresentation’ or fraud by abuse of position.

Labour insiders had been keen to stress that problems with Unite's practices in Labour constituency parties was contained to Falkirk alone. A Labour source said: 'This is a silly political stunt.

The New Statesman reports that Labour is arguing that the Tories are wasting police time:

In neither case is there any evidence that illegal activity has taken place. Offering members free Labour membership in return for meeting Len McCluskey is not against the law and nor is "bankrolling" or "orchestrating" campaigns.

The Unite saga has already drawn blood and it's clear that we're only at the start of this news cycle, so it seems unlikely that this issue is going to go away soon.

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