Thanks and Welcome

Since December 2009, Clara Altman has handled two duties for Legal History Blog: coordinating the Facebook page and posting a book review roundup most Sundays.  As we’ve previously noted, she has new challenges in the academic year ahead requiring her undivided attention.  From all of us at LHB: Thank you, Clara!

And, from all of us here at LHB, welcome Emily A. Prifogle!  Emily has finished her first year in the doctoral program in history at Princeton University after receiving a J.D. from the University of California. Berkeley.  (Her History and Art History is from Indiana University, and she also holds a M.Sc. in Comparative Social Policy from Oxford University.)  Emily’s law review note is Law and Local Activism: Uncovering the Civil Rights History of Chambers v. Mississippi.  It appeared in the California Law Review 101 (2013): 445.

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