Home-Made Black Pepper Sauce

Hi everyone! Sharing herewith the Black Pepper Sauce that I made last week for hubby's birthday. Very creamy and certainly make you enjoy the chicken much more. I served the sauce with Rosemary BBQ Chicken.

Beef & Barley Stew

This delicious Beef & Barley Soup can be prepared with no sweat using slow cooker - just dump everything in it, no frequent check necessary and ready by the set time! That's what I did for hubby's BBQ last week when energy level is low (sorry if anyone been waiting this long for the recipe).

Mashed Potato with Brown Sauce

 This was menu before Ramadhan that I made for dinner menu. The Mashed Potato was served along Rosemary Roasted Chicken and Tomato Bruschetta and made specially for Liana and the brothers.

2 medium Potato
1 tbsp Butter
Fresh Milk
Salt & Pepper

1. Peel & then prick the potatoes with fork.
Wrap with safe plastic cling & microwave High for 5 minutes.
Let it cool slightly before unwrapping.
2. Mashed potatoes using hand masher, adding butter, salt, pepper and milk 1 tbsp at a time until it is smooth and reach the required consistency.
TIPS: Do not process using machine or else the potato will be starchy.
3. Serve with brown sauce. 

3 tbsp Butter
3 tbsp Flour
1 Chicken Cube
2 cups Water (add more if necessary) 
1/4 tsp Browning
Salt & Pepper

Melt butter & add flour, stir quickly & cook few minutes until golden.
Add water gradually until smooth.
Add in chicken cube, salt, pepper and let it boil until thicken.
If too thick, add more water & let it boil again.

Ini bukan menu bulan puasa.... lambat tayang sbb kesibukan harian. Alhamdulillah, sudah 2 hari kita berpuasa.... menu puasa yg dua hari tu biasa2 jer & tak sempat nak tayang sebab kesibukan yg teramat, semua nak makan cepat tak sempat nak snap2. ok lah, meh tengok menu fevret anak2 ni....

2 bj Ubi Kentang saiz sederhana
1 sb Mentega
Susu Segar
Garam & Lada Sulah

1. Kupas kentang & cucuk2an dgn garfu.
Bungkus dgn plastik cling yg selamat-guna utk microwave.
Microwave kuasa tinggi selama 5 minit.
Sejukkan sebentar sebelum di buka bungkusan supaya tidak terkena wap panas.
2. Lecek kentang dgn pelecek tangan.
Campurkan mentega, garam, lada sulah sambil di lecek.
Campurkan susu beransur2 sesudu setiap campuran sehingga kentang lecek menjadi licin & mendapat kepekatan yg di kehendakki.
PETUA: Jangan lecek dgn mesin sebab kentang akan menjadi berlendir.
3. Hidangkan dgn brown sauce. 

3 sb Butter
3 sb Tepung Gandum
1 ketul Kiub Ayam
2 cwn Air (tambah jika perlu) 
1/4 st Browning (kalau xda, gantikan dgn kicap pekat) 
Garam & Lada Sulah

Cairkan butter & masukkan tepung. 
Kacau cdgn cepat supaya tidak bergentel & masak sehingga keperangan.
Masukkan air sedikit2 sambil di kacau.
Masukkan kiub ayam, garam & lada dan masak sehingga pekat.
Tambahkan lagi air jika terlalu pekat & didihkan.

Grilled Brinjal-Tomato Bruschetta

 One long French Loaf usually isn't enough for four of us if I make this for breakfast.... My two boys just love it very much. The brinjal and tomato are flavored with garlic, olive oil and balsamic sauce and then sprinkled with chopped fresh basil leaves.... very tasty and nice aroma. Apart from serving for breakfast, this certainly will be a big hit if served as starters during a party.

1 French Loaf* - sliced oval shape
Brinjal - sliced oval shape 
Tomato - sliced 
2 cloves Garlic* - pounded 
2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar*
4 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil*
Chopped Chili Padi*
Salt* (* mixed) 
Cheese Slices
Tomato Sauce
Chopped Fresh Basil Leaves

1.  Toast French loaf slices in an oven on one side until crispy.
Spread tomato sauce on the other side and top with cheese slice.

2. Dip brinjal or tomato into balsamic sauce* and toast until slightly browned on top.
Arrange on top of cheese slice on toast.
Sprinkle with chopped basil leaves.
Grill until golden brown.
Serve right away.

Hirisan roti Perancis di panggang dengan topping begini memang kesukaan anak2 teruna Along kat rumah ni. Topping terung dan tomato ni Along perisakan dengan sos balsamic, memang sedap sangat jadi nya. Boleh di hidangkan sebagai sarapan atau pun pembuka selera di waktu parti.
1 batang panjang Roti Perancis * - hiris bujur nipis
Terung - hiris bujur nipis
Tomato - hiris nipis
2 ulas Bwg Putih* - tumbuk
2 sb Balsamic Vinegar*
4 sb Extra Virgin Olive Oil*
Cili Padi* - potong kecil 
Garam* (* campur) 
Cheese Slices
Sos Tomato
Daun Selasih segar - cincang halus

1.  Panggang hirisan roti Perancis sehingga garing, hanya pada satu belah permukaan sahaja.
Terbalikkan & sapu sos tomato dan letakkan sekeping kecil cheese slice.

2. Celup terung atau tomato ke dalam sos balsamic* & panggang sehingga keperangan.
Aturkan terung atau tomato ke atas kepingan cheese atas roti tadi.
Taburkan hirisan daun selasih.
Panggang sehingga keperangan.
Hidangkan segera.

Lobster Mac and Cheese – Only Looks Hard

Every once in a while I post a video that makes a recipe look way harder than it is, and this “simple” lobster macaroni and cheese is one such dish. The problem has to do with the fact that for this kind of recipe, we’re preparing each of the main components simultaneously.    
While you finish your cheese sauce, you cook your pasta; in between stirs you cut up your lobster, and make your breadcrumbs. Nothing technically difficult, but since I decided to film the steps in the order I did them (instead of prepping things ahead and filming each component start to finish), this does look kind of daunting. It’s not.

You can actually prep these ahead, and bake before that romantic, possibly Valentine’s, dinner. You probably want to take them out and let them warm up for 30 minutes before before baking. By the way, only bake these until the tops are browned, and the inside is just hot. If you leave them in past that point, you’re risking the cheese breaking, and things will get greasy.

As far as the lobster goes, tails are pretty easy to find, and one 5 or 6-ounce tail per person is plenty with the rich, cheesy macaroni. Of course, you’ll want to check to make sure your sweetheart isn’t allergic to shellfish, because that would be a little awkward. Otherwise, I hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 large portions:
2 teaspoon vegetable oil
2 lobster tails (5-6 oz each)
2 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups cold milk
cayenne to taste
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
pinch ground nutmeg
few drops Worcestershire sauce
4 ounces grated sharp white cheddar cheese (about 1 generous packed cup)
1 ounce grated Gruyere cheese (about 1/3 cup)
1 generous cup elbow macaroni (1 cup, plus a tablespoon or so)
1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
*Note: Like I said in video, make sure your mac and cheese mixture is wet and saucy in the pan, otherwise it might get dry when it bakes. Don’t be afraid to add a splash of the pasta water to loosen things up.

For the crumbs:
3 tablespoons panko breadcrumbs
1 tablespoon melted butter, or enough to moisten
2 tablespoons grated Parmigiano Reggiano 

 - Bake at 400 for 15-20 minutes, or until browned

Onion Soup and Something for the Slow Cooker People

I’m not sure where you live, but for the sake of this post let’s assume the weather is terrible. With that in mind, I thought I’d repost our two French onion soup recipes, as well as this link to an article by Vanessa Greaves, on using a slow cooker to make caramelized onions.

I have a small, but passionate group of viewers that regularly submit food wishes for slow cooker recipes, but for whatever reason I can never seem to make it happen. To very nominally make up for that, I’d hope you check her post out, and maybe give it a try. If you do, you can use them in either of these great soup recipes. Just click on the title, and away you go. Enjoy!

French Onion Soup

Don't let the bad photography fool you; this is one great soup recipe.

American French Onion Soup

I show how to use an oven to caramelize the onions, instead of the traditional stove top. You know, in case you don't have a slow cooker.

Fresh Raspberry Sauce – Easy and Effective

As promised, here’s the fresh raspberry sauce we served with our recently posted chocolate decadence cake. While originally intended to be a companion video for that dessert, this stuff is so beautiful and delicious, you and your Valentine may not even need the cake.
Like I mentioned in the video, this will absolutely work even if you use frozen raspberries, but nothing compares to the flavor of the sauce if you can somehow find and use fresh raspberries.

Of course, that’s only half the battle, because the real key, besides the fresh fruit, is not overcooking the sauce.  We don’t want to boil and reduce this mixture. We’re not trying to make a thick heavy syrup, but instead a light, fresh, and vibrant pool of raspberry goodness.

This was perfect with our chocolate decadence, but would be equally as effective with pretty much any quality, store-bought dessert; in particular cheesecake, or vanilla ice cream. I’ve checked with the legal team, and even if you put this on something from the market, you’re still allowed to technically call your dessert "homemade."

By the way, if this gorgeous sauce doesn’t help you seduce the object of your desire this Valentine’s Day, don’t be too upset, as it probably wasn’t meant to be. So good luck, and I hope you give this fresh raspberry sauce a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 3 Cups Fresh Raspberry Sauce:
4 half-pint baskets of fresh raspberries (1.5 pounds), rinsed, drained
2 to 3 teaspoons fresh lemon juice, or to taste
1/4 cup sugar, or more to taste
*0 to 4 tablespoons water, depending on desired thickness

*Depending what you’re going to serve the sauce with, you may want to add some water before cooking the berries. If you want something a little thicker, to serve over ice cream for example, then don’t add any water. On the other hand, if you want and lighter texture like I did, toss in a few tablespoons of water before heading to the stove. Be careful; we’re not boiling and reducing the sauce, so we can’t cook out excess liquid.

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