Remembering Jack Kemp

themostsearched was saddened to hear of Saturday's passing of Jack Kemp. themostsearched proudly voted for the Dole-Kemp ticket of 1996 and remembers Kemp fondly for his tax-cutting agenda and his unabashed pro-life stance. How much better off would we be with Kemp in the Oval Office than an Obama or Biden!

To celebrate his passage to a better life, themostsearched is encouraging the signing of petition at Permit us some background. Like Kemp, the Catholic church has been a staunch supporter of the unborn's right to life and Obama has been among the most anti-life politicians ever. Indeed themostsearched condemns Obama's rescinding of the Mexico City Policy which prohibits our tax dollars from funding abortions outside the US. This rescission was one of the first acts Obama performed as president; indeed Obama has a huge resume of being anti-life (considered by many to be the most anti-life president ever), the topic of another blog another day.

Many Catholics are outraged at the invitation of Obama to speak at their Commencement ceremonies, scheduled May 17th. Many are planning a boycott unless Obama is replaced. The petition above asks Notre Dame President John Jenkins to rescind the invitation. themostsearched has joined arms with our Catholic brothers and sisters in signing this petition and urges like-minded lifers to do the same.

themostsearched feels that looking down from heaven both Jack Kemp and Our Lady whose name this great university bears would be proud of our efforts.

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